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Yavin Final Help (xbox)


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Ok I have followed Dasan to the place where 3 of him go to different corridors. I have been to each one: 1 leads to cliff / death, 1 leads to lower level where 3 walls are pushed but lead to nowhere, & 1 that leads to a mirror where he speaks to you. What do I do now?

Thanks for your help.

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Yavin Final [0 Secrets] {yavin_final}

>>Current Force Powers: all at level 3

>>Force Upgrade: None (you've got everything...)

>>Objectives: Defeat the dark Jedi Desann.


You start at the top of a long ramp... down it and up on the ledges for

items. Slash your way through the rocks blocking the passage (actually, Saber

Throw... they seem to explode a little)... in the next room rocks will be

falling on you, so watch out - even though they appear to be mostly illusory,

they can do a little damage. Up on the ledge and through the broken wall... to

your left the hall appears to end, though if you look closely you'll see that

the wall appears to be moving slightly. That's the way you want to go (through

that wall), but first head to the right for a pair of Small Shield Boosters.

Through the illusion wall and up the ramp... at the top is a hall with

flame pedestals on either side; they can damage you, so use PUSH on each one to

shut it off temporarily. At the end of the hall you'll get a short cutscene with

three apparent Desann's... "Your efforts are in vain."

The right opening leads to a death pit (when you go through the wall),

straight ahead is just a mirror where Desann taunts you, but left is the way to

go. At the top of the ramp is a pipe in the ceiling; cut that to douse the fire

at the bottom (you can't jump over or otherwise get through the flames, no

matter what) and drop down the hole. Down in the pit you'll have four short

corridors... the one to your back is blank, but the other three have Force Push

symbols on them. Use PUSH on the one in front of you, and go down the new

corridor revealed - down near the bottom of the wall on your left is another

Force symbol... PUSH that; the corridor that was blank is now pushed back.

Use SPEED down this corridor (with the traditional Jedi phrase, "I've

got a bad feeling about this.") to avoid the moving walls - I've found that the

best way to make a clean run is to wait until there's enough of a gap in the

first moving wall, hit SPEED, and run through, dodging and weaving. Just as soon

as you're past the last moving wall, stop and get your mana back, as well as

heal up and otherwise ready yourself... because dinosaur breath is next.

Cutscene with Desann (cheesy, hokey, totally Star Wars...)

That beam in the middle of the room gives a Jedi *temporary*

invincibility... activate it by PULLing on the two symbols on the upper level

(one on either side), then jump through the beam. After you've PULLed the

stones, the beam will stay on for the rest of the level, running through a

regular cycle. Hit SPEED at the middle of the ramp and attack Desann.

He's not easy, obviously... he can use any Force power (at their maximum

levels), and he can change saber styles in the wink of an eye. Do a lot of

Quicksaving during the fight... if you manage to damage him, Quicksave and


LIGHTNING works fairly well on Desann, if you have the Force power

left... but note that if you zap him, he'll zap you right back - it's best to

stick with the simple stuff like PUSH and SPEED.

If you use SPEED too close to Desann, he'll respond with Speed of his

own... if you trigger SPEED while still on the upper level (while he's below),

he won't notice it and he won't use his own. Also, when he throws his saber at

you, hit SPEED... he'll be temporarily defenseless, leaving him wide open to

your strikes. GRIP does not work... he can Push right out of it, but oddly

enough PUSH works sometimes ("You dare to Push me?").

Note that you can use your Lightsaber to chop at the base of any of the

columns in the room, and get it to fall - if you're careful (and very lucky),

you might crush Desann with a falling column.

Actually, I found Jerec (the main Dark Jedi in "Jedi Knight: Dark Forces

II") to be much tougher and harder to beat than Desann... but Desann is much

more fun.

One way I've found of defeating Desann easily (on the lower difficulty

levels): go down the ramp, and in the middle of it (that small level area) hit

SPEED... race down and just before you get to the bottom of the ramp, hit JUMP

as hard as you can - as you sail through the air towards Desann, aim at him and

use PUSH. As soon as you land, hack & slash... you should kill him with just a

few swings.

Once Desann dies (I kept expecting his hand to start twitching as Kyle

leaves) you get the usual semi-cheesy cutscene, and the credits roll...

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