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I keep telling myself, just one more battle ...


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You say it!


I've just played Galactic Conquest (the last one) and left the campaigns away. Played on all difficuties and damn as Imperial on hard there's now nothing more to beat :/ ! Just fleets with about 20 or more stormfrigates and lot of a wings. No challgenge!


Man, I hope there'll be some good mod available (is there already a good one?) or an official Petroglyph expansion, or a bigger playable conquest map!


Some planets mentioned in the movies (Mustafar, or the planets where the clones are made , camino or so) aren't there :/


Some new heroes (Jerjerrod, Admiral Thrawn) would b nice too!

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I still stay up too late putting in that one last attack. Thank goodness there is a pause button or I would be dead. At lease when the wife needs something I can do it instead of ignorning her all the time. LOL. Makes for a longer life.

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