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EAW Editor v2.1.1.32324 Available


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I spent some time today cleaning up the UI and making a master form to drive all of the XML stuff through. We now have support for every type of unit I can find as well as some additional stuff.


In the coming days I'll be focusing on more documentation and help so please post any questions, requests, concerns, etc. here.


You can download it at http://www.wiredalliance.com/eawfiles/eaweditor.zip


Also you can check out the home page at:



Here's what we are able to do so far...


- Extract from .meg files.

- Add and remove factions from the global filter

- Add and remove properties and default values from the filter

- Mod a file based on the filter

- Mod an entire directory of files based on the filter

- Edit all typical units





O.K. This is a little closer to what some of you may have been imagining. I've gone through and done a complete rework of the UI and added the rest of the forms for all of the unit types that I typically edit. I've also included a misc. section for planets, projectiles, etc.



- Provided enhanced support for editing and modifying unit abilities as well as properties.

- Added a "Filter" button to turn the unit filter on and off when editing units.

- Added the ability to mod an entire file or a directory of files based on the global filter

- Added a form for managing the filters themselves


Alpha Build 30625

This is the initial public preview of EAW Editor. Currently it will allow you to view and extract .meg files. Additionally there are three forms that allow for editing of specific ground units. These forms are fully functional and are meant to be a test bed for further development in terms of managing and editing the XML source. Please post any bugs or suggestions that you may have in the Lucas Forums at http://www.lucasforums.com

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Okay, I got the new version set up (after I know what's going on with this bug, I'll be using it a lot! Great work!), and I messed with some stuff. I clicked on Save, but then I went into the actual XML file to see if it worked, and nothing was changed! I went back in to the editor, and it still had the changes listed in it. You know what I did wrong?


Oh, and in the next version could you include all the campaign files under misc or campaigns.

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Okay, I got the new version set up (after I know what's going on with this bug, I'll be using it a lot! Great work!), and I messed with some stuff. I clicked on Save, but then I went into the actual XML file to see if it worked, and nothing was changed! I went back in to the editor, and it still had the changes listed in it. You know what I did wrong?


Oh, and in the next version could you include all the campaign files under misc or campaigns.


Can you do me a favor and try this:


1.) Open the application and modify a unit.

2.) Click the save button and make sure that you get the success notification.

3.) Close the app.

4.) Restart the app and check to see if your modifications saved.


One of the things I think might be happening is that the editor has a default location setup for all of the files in the .config file. It may be pointing to a different set of XML files on your system.


You can check your "eawEditor.exe.config" file located in the "C:\Program Files\Wired Alliance\EAW Editor" directory to see where it's pointing.


The path is "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Empire at War\GameData\Data\XML\" by default.


In a future release I'll make sure to add a section to change the settings from within the app but for now you can edit this file manually.


Also, I'll put an option in there to open a specified file so you can edit stuff that's not on the navbar to the left.


Glad to see you're enjoying it...

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Same with a custom planet. Click underneath it, and it will work. Somewhere below it. It will select the right one.

And this is actually what I was coming to mention. Sometimes the text gets put on the item (planet, unit, etc). If you could make it accept custom items and not do this on other things, that would be great.

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um, when i went to Unique Units the text is incorrectly placed. I click on Pod Walker Death Clone and the text for the Jedi Cruiser pops up


I'm able to reproduce this with planets. I'll look into why it's doing this and get a fix going ASAP.


Also 360, please feel free to post this anywhere you think it will be useful.

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Yep. I have the same problem with text not corresponding to the proper unit, but for me it can get VERY BAD.


For instance, I have a terrible time with Infantry. Clicking on most entries in the left pane produces a blank screen in the right, and the ones that do have info are not for the correct units.


At first I thought it was because it didn't like my modified XML, but it happens with the clean, default one, too.


Interestingly, the same is NOT true for SPACEUNITSFIGHTERS.XML. It reads the unaltered version of that one just fine, but my edited version (which works fine in-game, and all) it won't read a single unit of. Just get a blank right pane.


This tool looks like it could really save me a lot of time in editing, so if you need any specific info from me to help you troubleshoot this, just let me know.

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O.K. guys, I found the problem. I was selecting the child XML node based on the index (integer) of the chosen row in the items table. For instance if you picked Alderaan which is at index 3 (0 based) you should then be able to pick the child node with index 3.


For some reason that works with some units types and for some it doesn't. I've created a new method that will pick the selected item based on its value (Name) rather than index and it looks to be working really well.


I'll have this fix out later this afternoon (have to spend time with the shorties and my babies' momma) along with another option under Misc that says "Open XML" which lets you choose the file you wish to edit. That way you can mod files that aren't listed in the navbar to the left.


I'm thinking of scrapping the navbar on the left altogether and go with a global toolbar across the top. That way we can populate the toolbar from a config file and you guys can choose what files will appear on the toolbar for editing.


What do you all think?

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If you will make it so the bar will have files added to/removed from it, that would be great.


EDIT: Okay, major problem. I was using your program, just trying to figure out some things, showing it to people, etc. Anyway, I start up my mod, and it seems that every rebel or Imperial ship has been put at 1 credit, 1 second build time, 0 hp, 0 shields, 0 shield recharge time, no requirements to build it, and you can't kill them. Everything had this happen to it. I had to go through and save what I could, remake some things, and now I still can't get a bit of my mod to work (that's not your fault, but it's just annoying I have to go and make it work again). So... you might want to see if this happens again. And fix it.

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If you will make it so the bar will have files added to/removed from it, that would be great.


EDIT: Okay, major problem. I was using your program, just trying to figure out some things, showing it to people, etc. Anyway, I start up my mod, and it seems that every rebel or Imperial ship has been put at 1 credit, 1 second build time, 0 hp, 0 shields, 0 shield recharge time, no requirements to build it, and you can't kill them. Everything had this happen to it. I had to go through and save what I could, remake some things, and now I still can't get a bit of my mod to work (that's not your fault, but it's just annoying I have to go and make it work again). So... you might want to see if this happens again. And fix it.


Holy Cow! Did you run the mod files option by any chance? The one that mods all of the files in a folder? If so then everything would be set to whatever the default filter has in it. I really need to go through and take out the values in that thing.


Anyway, let me know and I'll see what I can do.

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Groovy! (Yes... GROOVY). I'll be looking forward to that update, vanzelone!


I like the side bar, it's a nice looking interface, but as long as the toolbar would be as easy to find things on, it'd be cool.


And yeah, I suspect your guess as to what happened to poor Three60 is right. I did notice that that "change everything" command was a bit too easy to do. :p

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