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i would like to thank all the people who at least tried out this mod i thought it would be a big flop but there are already over 150 downloads!!! i will release the next version on thursday hopefully getting the moldy crow and virago in the game.








new video: corelian corvette on land!





this is version 1.1 and fixed the Death Star price i am going to take a break for a while and wait for the modding and mapping tools so i can creats new units and more appropriate maps for this mod. if there are any more errors please report them


this mod is gonna decrease build cost and build time and much more stuff for skirmish games and galactic conquest. also removes FOW where you have already been to for 456621.004520547945205479455205479 years(i mean actual our time years) so it is impossible to ever see FOW after you have revealed it (lol). upgrades cost the same as before but take only 1 second to build but the thing that prevents you from gettind sd's 10 seconds in is that there cost has doubled so your pretty much back to where you were for stn and base upgrades. i will try to post the final video today \ tomorrow but i am modding then making the vids right after that. also if you find something in the video that you want me to change(ie: strength of a unit) just post and i will try to balance it. the purpose of the vids is feedback so tell me if the stuff is exactly what you want or you want me to change a little. also for the death star it is only buildable on Coruscant and cost 50 million credits but most plants give you about 10000 credits a day. the speed for the DS in hyperspace has been increased but the time it takes to get into firing range on a planet is now twice from before. it also takes 10 pop cap in space battles and 300 in overall thing for galactic conquest. the build time has been cut in half. The venator is fully functional for galactic conquest. it spawns v-wings. the ven has had a big up i upped the shields, strength, and power because when i tested it first 3 vens got wasted by acclamoter. i will keep updating for the next few hours then release the mod.


here is the first video of 3 for the mod the mod it self is being balanced and units are being added to teams. also i am going to make maps for the mod for skirmish online so the battles wont all be in 1 spot but instead at many diffrent areas. expect it around march 15 - March 25 i know extremly broad dates but school and vacation make the dates what they are i will post videos every 2 - 3 days and am looking for mappers for when the appropriate tools come out.


video 1 space battles



video 2 land battles



video 3 galactic conquest


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im glad some one is interested earlyier today i was just not even going to finish modding it due to lack of people interested but i will finish it knowing some people a interested in it. the galactic conquest video will be released tomorrow i still need to mod it and bring the ven back.

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i found an error in my mod in skirmish both empire and rebs are missing there level 2 frigates is any one else getting this or am i jsut stupid enough to forget that i tried to mod the ven in for the stn build on the next release

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No lvl 2 frigates for me! In the next version you could add some more ships to ground and make them come down on their own without transports and make them smaller and fly higher,that would be realy good and also you could raise the population cap cuz in empire surrounded the pop cap was already breeched!

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ok i fixed the frigate error i tried to put the ven in the space stations for skirmish so you could build them but it earesed the frigates i already fixed that for the next release. also when you say " could add some more ships to ground and make them come down on their own without transports and make them smaller and fly higher" i never did land ships or i might have accidentally done that for this version i was planning on doing it on 1.2 or 1.3 so if your talking about land skirmish i tested that with no controllable space ships. if you mean galactic conquest then i will have to test it tonight. i will raise the pop cap for the space stations from 100-170 to 1000-1700 so we can make worring about pop cap in the past. if you find any more bugs just post them here and arc9 if there really are space ships that are controllable on the surface please post a picture. i am trieng to add the tartan and the correlian corvette for the next release but i keeep getting exception errors so it might be in the 1.3 unless i get one of them working then just copy the codes.

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new video!!! it shows the corellian corvette on land but it is very very very very unbalnced as you could see it couldnt even take out a stormtrooper and it doesnt fly "gracefully" so i am gonna push back the release date to late saturday to early sunday so i can get fighters and corvetes in so it will be a better experience on land and encourage people to play land maps in GC mode. enjoy


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Great news! We have a modeler now and withen the next 2 versions i am hoping to add the ssd and tie interceptor in the game for empire and the dreadnot for the rebels. visit the website for screen shots and details!

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