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Help Please Hardpoint.xml


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For some reason my Hardpoint.xml file refuses to take any changes.


I have been able to mod every other XML file but when I change values in the Hardpoints.xml the changes do not occur.


Is anyone else having this problem or is there something special I need to do with this particular XML?



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Okay, here it is as best as I can describe it.

First, go to the HARDPOINTS.XML and find the listings of whatever ship you want. I'll use the mon cal since I did it first (it works the same way).

Once you have found it, put this in (I used the hanger being added to the rebellion ship):


<HardPoint Name="HP_Calamari_Cruiser_Fighter_Bay">






<!-- This is an attachment bone for the HUD reticle centering, even though no model is attached -->




<Death_Explosion_Particles> Large_Explosion_Space </Death_Explosion_Particles>










This will make the hardpoint for the fighter bay. Now that you have done this, open up the SPACEUNITSCAPITAL.XML file and scroll down to the hardpoint listings for the mon cal ship. Put HP_Calamari_Cruiser_Fighter_Bay in that list. Now, scroll down until you find the <SpaceBehavior> tag, and put in there SPAWN_SQUADRON following how the rest of them are put in. Now your hanger will appear and any fighters you want will come out.

The last thing you need to do is insert what fighters and reserves you want the ship to have Here is what I put in:


<Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>Z95_Headhunter_Rebel_Squadron, 3</Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0> <!-- 2 X-wing squadrons at a time -->

<Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>Z95_Headhunter_Rebel_Squadron, -1</Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0> <!-- -1 == no limit -->

<Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>Y-Wing_Squadron, 2</Starting_Spawned_Units_Tech_0> <!-- 2 X-wing squadrons at a time -->

<Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0>Y-Wing_Squadron, -1</Reserve_Spawned_Units_Tech_0> <!-- -1 == no limit -->



Anything above -1 will be a limited ship. I set it to unlimited for now, since it was the only ship to spawn fighters for the rebels in my mod.


If you have done all of this it should work. If it's a gun you just need to add it into the hardpoints, but it should work.

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That really helps but I am talking about simple changes like changing the value of Health on each hardpoint for say a Star Destroyer.


Whenever I change any values and save, when I reload star wars it never asks to reload because HARDPOINT.XML file has been changed. I edit the XML file right next to it, say GROUNDVEHICLES.XML and reload, then it asks to reload and the changes take effect for that XML but never the HARDPOINT.XML file........


is this making any sense to anyone?

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the game loads but does not recognize HARDPOINTS.XML


I put in an XML folder with various configurations.....it recognizes every other XML file that I have edited, all the values, ship sizes, speed, armor etc etc

when I proceed to edit the HARDPOINT.XML, the game loads just fine but none of the attributes I edited in the HARDPOINT.XML were changed. Every other XML affected the game I wanted to except for the HARDPOINT.XML


Every time I edit something or change a value in any XML and alt-tab back into the game it prompts me if I would like to reload with the current XML changes. I do and the new changes take affect. Whenever I do this with HARDPOINT.XML, nothing happens and no change takes effect.


I hope that helps......I am so sorry for the confusion

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It doesn't prompt you if you change the GAMECONSTANTS.XML, either. I assume that's because that file is only loaded at the very beginning of the game.


The same might be true of hardpoints.


Easy, simple, obvious solution? Completely close EaW and restart it.


This, frankly, is a good idea anyway, since even though it prompts you and reloads the files, it doesn't always get things RIGHT, and you can't always trust it to accurately show the edits you've made.


Just close the game completely and reload, to be certain.

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Yes, I have tried that option as well and it still does not recognize hardpoints... =(


I wonder if it my game at this point or my computer


and when I alt-tab out after changing values in gameconstants, it does recognize it =(


I also wanted to add this, whenever I download any of the new mods that people make, any custom mod that is out right now that includes a HARDPOINT.XML. It does not recognize their settings as well =(

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Hardpoints.xml file is corrupted? I hope you made a back-up. Make sure it is the correct file name.


UPDATE: here is your problem...


***HARDPOINTS.XML*** not 'Hardpoint.xml' ;) wrong name add the "S" it is plural.


The engine will also ingnore a corrupted XML file. I know, it has happened to me. I had to re-install the whole game. That fixed it.

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