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Iridorian recriutable NPC


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I would VERY MUCH like to be able to recruit the Iridorian in Manaan, I'd be willing to trade Jolee, or Zaalbar. If someone wanted a real chore, you could build a complete mod whereby Jolee can be left on Manaan (through a simple dialog option) to mediate on behalf of his imprisoned buddy (I would say this should automatically solve that quest, maybe when you leave Manaan or maybe when you return. Jolee aint no dummie, why shouldn't he be able to mediate as well as my PC?) OR Zaalbar could be left behind to establish Diplomatic relations and Kolto trade between Manaan and Kashyyk, as a liaison for Kashyyk and his father (which advances the foreshadowed destiny of Zaalbar to one day lead Kashyyk himself) in this scenario the PC would either have to teach Zaalbar galactic basic, or teach a Manaan interpreter the wookie language, or download Zaalbar's language from HK-47 to a terminal or protocol droid.

Anyway, getting carried away with long tedious details... I would like to have the following items in the Iridorians inventory, or added to the PC's inventory when the Iridorian joins up:

1) Iridorian Bloodlust Armour (we have Iridorian armour so that should be easy)

2)Iridorian Brain Bucket (his awesomely cool headgear, seperate from the armor suit, maybe several variations with different stats/looks, feel free to rename it, and other party members should be able to wear it in a pinch)

3)Iridorian slaughter axe (ever wonder what that handle looking thing is sticking up out of his backpack? BTW it must be modelled with blood grooves/slots, and only the Iridorian can wield it, but when he does, like 17-22 damage + 2d8 criticals and make it upgradeable with Melee upgrades, or something like that)

It just doesn't satisfy my bloodlust to only have his armor available. You might even cause him to have a revelation of some kind and want to learn the Jedi Ways, even if he is darksided, he could convince you he is LS so he can learn new ways to mame and kill.

I would like to see an Iridorian spikey head too, but with color patches of some kind like Darth Maul, but not the same. I know it's asking a lot, but aren't you just drooling over the possibilities here? The evil that lies within this guy, and he must be in that lounge looking for something, I mean wouldn't an Iridorian be out killing? Iridorians don't lounge around in bars socializing. Bao-Dur to me, while his arm is cool was kindof a limp Richard if you know what I mean, maybe he's an Iridorian Unich, or maybe he lost the jewells in battle and never got around to making himself an electric winkee :o)

P.S. I'm real tight on money right now, but I'll paypal $20.00 to the person who does all this, more if I get this job I'm going for on monday, Thanks everyone, CHEERS MATES


I have more, do you want to hear more? :twogun:

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