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Last of the Jedi (Planning)


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Here's the Pitch:

The jedi order was a long time in dying. With the birth of the New Republic and the New Jedi order, Luke Skywalker was hailed as a hero. And so he may have been. The jedi were feared, and as such were forced to go into seclusion. They have stagnated over the years, and as they have, so has there memory. For none now live who remember the days of the saber and the force. Force sensetives still exist, of course, but they are unorganized and untrained. When the last jedi master merges with the force, his apprentice is left on the world of Coruscant, quite alone in the galaxy. This is that apprentice's story.


The basic idea of this is a rather, hmm, one-on-one approach to roleplaying. It is a lot more like the standard D&D, though without a stat system. What I mean is that I will be, for lack of a better word, DMing the story, while the Jedi (First come first serve) and the jedi's companions (if any) will be the 'party' of the thread. Sound good? I hope so. But just an aside, the party can form through the roleplay. They don't need to be a group from the get-go.


So this is what I will need from the apprentice:




Physical Description:

Saber Color:





And the other characters:




Physical Description:





Modus Transporti (if any):


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Can I control 3 chars?


(If I can't, here's mine.)


Name: Tidus

Gender: Male

Physical Description: (how about a pic? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/d8/Tidus2.jpg)

Saber Color: Green

Class: Jedi Consular

Disposition: all light side

Bio: As a boy, he was known as a force sensative. The Jedi were feared, and so was he. He was taken by a Jedi Master and trained by hm. Over the years, he traveled to various planets, learning about certain cultures. His Master died a painless death n Corusant, leaving him alone in the universe.

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