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EAW Editor v2.1.2.32248 Available


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Download at: http://www.wiredalliance.com/eawfiles/eawEditor.zip




- Fixed a bug where the index of a unit or item would point to the wrong xml node.

- Add an "Open XML" button un ther misc. options as well as on each screen to allow for opening addional XML files not located in the nav bar.

- Added an "Allow/Disable Delete" which allows the user to delete rows from the properties, unit abilities and abilities grids. BE VERY CAREFUL WITH THAT.

- Added an "Allow/Disable Add" button which allows the user to add rows to the properties, unit abilities and abilities grids. AGAIN BE VERY VERY CAREFUL.

- Added additional warnings to the mod file and mod folder features.



I hope this helps some of you guys out. Next I'll be focusing on the .config file that comes with the application and putting a screen together that allows everyone to edit it.


Then hopefully more documentation...

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Working great for the most part, but it's still a bit unreliable. GROUNDVEHICLES.XML says that there are no valid items. Huh. ^_^

It won't find the "swamp_speeder" in UNIQUEUNITS.XML


Did I mention that it would be GREAT if you could sort properties alphabetically, in the right pane?


Keep up the great work. It just keeps getting better!

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I wanted drop by real quick and address a couple of things.


1.) The mod units button will mod all units of a given file according to the properties that you've specified in the GlobalUpdateFilter. You can modify the global update filter from the screen in the application or by editing the XML file directly. There is also a Mod Folder option that will mod all units in every file in the folder specified. The problem is that I left some values in there by default from when I was testing the functionality and unless you change them you units will be modded...


2.) I'm not sure why the vehicles thing isn't working. But thanks for pointing it out. I'll check on it ASAP. I wanted to submit this to LucasFiles.com but I need to make sure that it's as bug free as possible first.


3.) I'll add sorting from the grids today and post it ASAP.


4.) The next release will have all of the default values removed from the GlobalUpdateFilter so that click the mod file or mod folder does nothing unless you explicitly go and add default values.



That's it for now. Expect another release sometime today.


Happy modding.

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I am not sure if this hass been addressed as of yet (i dont see it if it has), but it would be pretty nifty if you could incorporate the .DAT editor to this program. this way when we are creating new units, one does not have to change programs to create the new .DAT entries, and then change again to link them blah blah blah.


Also maybe a "create new unit" function, that would automatically incorporate the nessesary "build tab yes" starbase level required" "grounds base level required" ect ect funtions to the new unit. or possibly (easier way) have the program ask if you wish to use an existing unit as a templeate, so all you have to do at that point is make the nessesary changes to be "new".


Just ideas.



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do we have a possible realease date for the next update on this? just curious.


Oh, one prob. i have run into, the editor adjusts what is there already just fine, but it wont let me "add" any lines of code to objects. anyone esle get this prob? I push the allow add, and then add property,and then i add my lines, and then save, and voila, it is not there.

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Just a quick note for everyone out there on this. I am still working on the next release of the EAW Editor however I am under a deadline right now in real life.


I'm working through the weekend to get a release out for the product I'm managing (medical claims, referrals, eligibility, etc. exciting stuff huh?) and then I can focus back on EAW Editor.


Here are some things that are coming in the next release


-I have fixed the issue of the units not matching the properties

-I have removed all of the default values from the filter so the user can't inadvertantly mod all of thier units

-I have added a more descriptive warning for the "Mod File" and "Mod Folder" buttons

-I have enabled column sorting for most of the grids in the entire application

-I have added an Open XML button that will allow the user to choose an XML file not listed on the nav bar

-I have added the ability for the application to ignore XML nodes that are pure comments instead of throwing an exception


Right now I'm working on getting the navbar on the left to populate from a XML source that can be edited directly or from within the app itselft. Once this is done you'll be able to reorder groups/items as well as add and delete them.


Please report any other bugs or feature requests here and I'll try to get them in the next release.


Thanks guys

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