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The Clone Wars?


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Ok so today at work i started a list of troops and stuff for a Clone Wars mod which im toying around with the idea about


Im thinking maybe troops and stuff seen in the the movies *AOTC/ROTS* the clone wars cartoon and the republic comics


What i was thinking of was replacing the Rebellion with the CIS and obviously the Empire with Republic *this would be good considering the Empire uses a lot of Republic tech ie AT ATs,IFT Hover Tanks,Acclamators and so on*


Anyway im going to start writing some detailed troop descriptions *names,special abilities etc etc* have a fiddle around modding some stuff ingame and hopefully come up with something good.


My only major problem being the modelling side of it which i'll no doubt need help with


So anyway back on track what Clone wars mods are out there and already planned?


And if anyone feels they could help me with all aspects of this game please feel free to PM me :D


Hopefully we can get a group together who really want to have the clone wars the way it was ment to be!

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Death Star Alpha was made up by me for IA2 based off the stuff in movies, and manador or watever is in books.



And actually, they might get cut out, being debated, which should make people happy, unless you guys (forum people reading this) are purists.

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I really dont like the idea of a alpha death star :s ok so the CIS had the plans for the death star but it was the empire who started building it


unless the upcoming Death star novels says otherwise, anyway i think that idea should be dropped


as for the mandator dreadnaughts well they are canon so i dont really have a problem with that

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I realize this is true and that if you really want to make an alternative universe where the Confederacy may outlive Palpatine's original intentions, then the Alpha Death Star is very possible. That would be like what the EAW GC was thought to be at first, events in the galaxy could take a different course based upon your decisions. I don't have a problem with it personally and I think it would be cool if the campaign was open ended like that. Just my take on it.

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