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Pearl Harbor

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I'd assume most of you have seen this movie by now, and I'd like to rant about a couple gripes I have about it.


1.)Too much love story, not enough war story


2.)Focuses on to pilots. Not even Navy Pilots at that. Army Air Force pilots. Pearl Harbor was a Naval Base, last I checked.


3.)The ending reeked of rushing. I think it should have ended with the nuking of Hiroshima or Nagasaki, and the credits just after the treaty signing on the the USS Missouri.


But, it's a Disney movie, so what can we expect? I'm sure Nute will say it is suck and all lies, but what does everybody else think?

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There was an Army force stationed there. Just becasue there is a Navy base there, odes not mean there are only Navy pilots flying


The Army Air Force pimarly fly P-29 Aircobras, and P-40 Warhawks. And they were one of the few planes that were able to be called to defend agsint the Janapese Bombing.


the moive Peral Harbor is a Love story, not a documentary. And it should have probly ended after the "Day of infamy" speach or soon afterwords

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I liked it.

It was no Tora! Tora! Tora!, but it was pretty good. I liked who they cast for Yamoto and Doolittle. I liked Doolittle talking about kamikazing his bomber into a factory. I also liked the stuff the loudspeaker was yelling on the West Virginia.

btw, if you watch Tora! Tora! Tora! you can see the two real characters they based the two guys from Pearl Harbor on.

I also think that the love story saved the movie, as did the build up to the Doolittle raid. Tora! Tora! Tora!, while being historically accurate, is incredibly boring.

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Guest Rogue15

good movies are always ruined by putting love in them. now gladiator, that was a cool movie. i'll probably see pearl harbor when it comes to video.

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when I found out it was a mostly a love story I decided not to watch it, I thought it was a proper war movie at first, the online trailer marketed it as a war movie. Now I'm just going to stick to proper ones, like TORA! TORA! TORA! Now theres a war movie.

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Don't be fooled though. The "love story" isn't really in the way though. It's by no means a chick flick. There's plenty of noncombat time in the movie, but that's typical of all war movies. Out of the 182 minutes of Pearl Harbor, I would say less than 30 are the actual love story. The scene that takes place when they're kids lasts more than 10 minutes. The scene during the Battle of Britian is pretty long (That He 111 going up was AWESOME ****). From my memory, after the actual Battle of Pearl Harbor to the end, there's probably only like ten LINES than deal with the love story (when the two guys are leaving to go train with Doolittle).

It's definitely not Tora! Tora! Tora! (They should remake that movie. "Battleship Row" in Tora! had like one ship.) It's also no <a href="http://us.imdb.com/Title?0098437">Talvisota</a>. <--that's the best war movie ever (If you forget that the original Das Boot ever existed).

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Guest Hans The Great

Darth -


Why would you go see such an awful movie. Friends of mine saw it and they said they could'nt stop laughing..

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Guest Rogue15

friends of my parents and me saw it and said to bring tissues. i'd probably laugh and get yelled at for it though since this stuff really did happen. (the love story part probably didn't happen though, they just tried to copy titanic to make a bunch of money, right?)

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i wasn't really too impressed with the movie...i saw it, but first and foremost it was waaaay too long. second of all, i thought it was kind of dumb that ben affleck didn't die in the first place. would have made the movie a whole lot better if he had. i mean, i like ben affleck and all, but it was too dramatic to have him come back to life like that. thirdly, not to be morbid or anything, but the girl that was pregnant (i forget her name) in all honestly would have lost her baby simply because of the stress to her mind and body from the battle. and last, i thought that the guy cuba gooding jr. played should have had a bigger part in the movie. he was like a blip, and since they bothered to create the role in the first place it should have had a bigger chunk of the movie. oh, and i also agree with nute, it should have ended after the attack on pearl harbor. everyone knows how the war ended, that last bit was utterly unnecessary.


thank you, that is all.

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Raife-the one that went to Europe

Dorris-Cuba Gooding JR

Red-uh, Red

Goose-the dumb mechanic


Doolittle-Alec Baldwin

Head of Naval Intel-What's his name.


that's it


and did no one else get that scene where FDR's usher picked the flower for him? i mean wtf?

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Andy, you'd hate Dorris' scene in Tora! He's on screen for about 45 seconds and that's IT.

and the flower scene was during the Doolittle Raid. tongue.gif


PS HICKAM was an Army Air Corp base. Even if it was a NAS, the fighters would have been on the carriers at sea.

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Guest Rogue 9

I knew someone would bring up the Naval Carriers being gone at some point. thank you Nute. smile.gif this is why they showed army air corp pilots because they were the planes in the air at that time...


and the Japanese did really loose only 29 aircraft to combat.

Wave 1: 9 Planes Lost


Akagi: 1 A6M2

Kaga: 2 A6M2, 5 B5N2

Shokaku: 1 D3A


Wave 2: 20 Planes Lost


Akagi: 4 D3A1

Kaga: 2 A6M2, 6 D3A1

Hiryu: 1 A6M2, 2 D3A1

Soryu: 3 A6M2, 2 D3A1


total planes lost to among other things Damage and navigation errors were.

The breakdown of lost or written-off planes is as follows:


first wave lost 21 aircraft (3 A6M, 16 B5N and 2 D3A).

second wave lost 34 aircraft (6 A6M and 28 D3A).




[This message has been edited by Rogue 9 (edited June 22, 2001).]

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