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Turbolasers, only Better!

Master Leffe

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After adding in a 6000 credits, 6 pop. Mon Cal Cruiser to the Rebels that kicks the crap out of Star Destroyers, I'm realizing that the Imperials need something to balance it out. So I'm making a Chiss Star Destroyer (not a public mod, though I'm considering it), but I have a slight problem. In order to make megamasers (the Chiss equivalent of turbolasers) better than an average ISDs weapons, I'm trying to give them the ability to pierce shields. The CSD will just have lower shields to balance its massive firepower. The only problem is I'm not sure how to modify a turbolaser to pass through shields. Does anyone know how to do this? I tried it on my own, but it didn't quite work... Thanks!

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I think the easiest way to do this would be to create a new weapon using information from the torpedo, but give it the speed, movement, looks etc. from the turbolaser. Anothing you could try is to copy the line that makes torpedoes go through shields to your new weapon and use the turbolaser lines instead. I haven't tried modding the game yet, I found out that I didn't have enough diskspace so I have to clear that out first. I can't tell you the lines because of this either.

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