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B5 question

Guest Jabba The Hunt

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

ok ive just started watching B5 and as you might guess im a bit dissorrientated, ive got a lot of stuff, but in the film "The beginning" that women (the one that goes on the marry the commander of B5) she talks to these wired aliens on her ship that tell are stuff about the future, they need like breath equipment and they always say stuff in a way that she wont understand until she gets to that part in time.



Official Forum Newbian

"Husband to a beflated sex toy, Father to a small squirrel in the garden, and i will have my food in this life or the next!"


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I am not realyl sure what you are asking for... Well, i assume you have watched all the eposodes up to i think "A Call to Arms" the 2 parter that is the Second Episiode dealing with Babylon 4.


THe Vorlons are one of the "old Races" Older then the Mimbari. They are one of the first "offspring" of the first ones. Sort of the Creators, or Divine beings in the B5 universe. The other "Old race" are the shadows. Both are in direct opposite to eachother in thier belifs. The Vorlons belive that all the younger races need a guide, and be nurtured. The shadows belie in making a stronger race thru conflict.


Most of what the Vorlon says are in Parables. One of the keyt points is when Sheridan ask to understand more about the Vorlons. Kosh says "You do not understand" meaning he do not understnad what is needed to understand the Vorlons.


The Suits the Vorlons use are mainly to hide thier appearance to everyone. Tho is is assumed they DO need methane to live. When someone see's a vorlon, and the vorlon wishes to be seen. They will see him as a Prophet from the Old times, over 1000 years ago.


if you ahve any other questions feel free to ask

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

ummm yeah the vorlons are telipathic i know that much, but how do they know about the future, ummm also ive only seen 1 episode and 3 films (the begining, thirdspace and some other one where they the last planet killer made by the vorlons and earth gets toxicated.



Official Forum Newbian


Your more of a newbian than me, now thats saying something!



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THe vorlons know the future, becasue they have been around for Eons. And they are more powerful telepaths then a P-12 Psi-Cop. They actaully have a certain Viewer that allows them to see into the past, and probly the future, working as a lens for their telepathic abilites.

When SHeridan walked in on Kosh using the Viewer, he asked him what it was... Kosh replied "It is efficiant"

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

yeah i picked that up already, ummm can someone give me a run down of B5's commanders



Official Forum Newbian


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Guest Jabba The Hunt

ummm, some more detail would be helpful



Official Forum Newbian


Your more of a newbian than me, now thats saying something!



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Jeffrey Sinclair was the first commander of Babylon 5. He eventually became the ambassador to Minbar (and leader of the anla'shok*, but that's incidental) and was replaced by John Sheridan.


Sheridan went on to defy Earthforce and President Clark, and set himself up as President of the Interstellar Alliance. He eventually married Delenn (defacto leader of the Minbari), and fathered a son named David. Sheridan was one of the lead characters in the series, and has this wonderfully epic "messiah" arc. He dies on Za'ha'dum and is revived by Lorien (the last survivor of the "True" First Ones --i.e., Adam), but Lorien's revival will only last for twenty years.


When President Sheridan turns his full attention to running the Alliance, Bab5 comes under the command of Elizabeth Lochley, one of Sheridan's ex-wives (Lochley was 1st, the second wife died in a starship explosion, and Delenn is third).


Incidentally, the Vorlons and the Shadows are themselves called First Ones, along with five or six other races who existed long ago. Lorien's people were what I call the "Zero Race." They were to the First Ones what the First Ones are to us. Eventually, the First Ones reached the pinnacle of development and moved beyond the rim of the galaxy. The Vorlons and Shadows stayed behind to guide the younger races.


The Vorlons are "Lords of Order." They're like your parents, always wanting you to play by the rules and maintain the status quo. Basically control freaks with delusions of godhood.


The Shadows are the exact opposite, Armies of Chaos who foster an ultra-darwinian approach. Survival of the fittest writ large.


The main point of the Vorlon/Shadow thing is to choose your own path, not to side with one or the other.


The only Vorlon I actually respected was Kosh, who ended up being the first to die. He was replaced by "Darth Kosh" (who JMS says is really called Ulkesh).


*<small>Anla'shok translates to English as "Rangers."</small>



"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

thank you very much that was very help.



Official Forum Newbian


Your more of a newbian than me, now thats saying something!



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What about the movies? And the books?


Have you seen Crusade? Have you read the two unfilmed Straczynski scripts for the two "last" episodes of Crusade?


Are you looking forward to the new movie/series: The Legend of the Rangers, starring G'Kar (of all people)?


Then you do not even know true fandom. cool.gif



"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."

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Guest Rogue 9

Crusade was not nearly as good as B5, I wish they would have just kept running it(B5). the Sci-Fi Channel recentely Ran all of them in order on a widescreen version.

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

I heard that Crusade was really terrible and that the best are 1-5 so ive got a lot of videos to watch now!!!



Official Forum Newbian


Your more of a newbian than me, now thats saying something!



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I loved Crusade. Galen was my fave character; you could tell he desperately wanted to make friends with people, and he was self-confident enough that he didn't care about looking silly. biggrin.gif


Crusade won Straczynski my ever-lasting admiration. He killed his own series rather than let his creative vision be overridden by the networks. Every artist should have that kind of integrity.


That said, I do wish he'd gotten around to filming the last two scripts; there were some awesome lines in them.


"Commander, has there been any noticeable increase in morale since we got these new uniforms?"

"Not that I've noticed."

"Inform Earth that we've gone back to the old uniforms due to an accident with the new ones."

"Yes, sir. . . Has there been an accident?"

"There will be, commander. . . there will be."



"Do fish-people eat fish, or would that be like humans eating monkeys?"

"Humans do eat monkeys. In fact humans eat other humans. . . Y'know, as a species, we are really quite unpleasant."


[This message has been edited by Flying Beastie (edited June 13, 2001).]

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

i have no idea what your talking about



Official Forum Newbian


Your more of a newbian than me, now thats saying something!



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