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Where's the Variety?

Master Leffe

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Has anyone else noticed this, or is this specific to my game. I've added in new ships (some made by me, some made by others), but for some reason, the AI never uses them. Not once. The only ship its used that I added after I bought the game was the Venator, but that was technically already there to begin with. Has this happened to anyone else? And if so, how do you fix it?



Also, where are screenshots stored? I can't seem to find them... Thanks!

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Jorville has it right. This here's one of them new-fangled fancy pro-grams that likes to put your saved files someplace "convenient". You know, where you'll never find them?


And, as far as I understand, which isn't very far, at this point, the AI knows what to build and when to build it because of scripts telling it what its priorities are. Without changing the scripts (which we can't, yet), the AI won't know the new units exist, and won't build them.


It probably uses the Venator (It does in my games, too. All the time.) because it was in the game originally, and was then taken out, but left in the AI routines.

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