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Ship Classes


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Hey modders, i realize this may not be canon (and probably isnt), but I would like to see more ship classes. There seem to be a few missing from the traditional naval lineup.

Corvette - Corellian/tartin

Gunship - Corellian

Frigate - nebulan-b/Pirate

Fast Frigate - ?acclamator?

Heavy Frigate - MKII assault/victory


Destroyer - ???

Lt. Cruiser - ???

Cruiser - Calamari/?ISD?

Hvy. Cruiser - ???

Battle Cruiser - ???

Battle Ship - ???

Carrier - ???

Deadnaught - ???

_ not sure where the interdictor fits in _

Now i will admit that I could be missing a few things here, and that my star wars ship lore is not up to date. but there seem to be a few gaps. are there ships that they just left out of the game that fill these roles? or am i pipe dreaming?

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Traditionally, the Super Star Destroyer line has been called the Star Dreadnaughts, so that's where the Dreadnaughts come in.


The Venator could be argued to be the Carrier, because it holds WAY more than the Victory and the Imperial Star Destroyer.


The Interdictor would be a specialty ship, kind of like...some communications/special ops ship. It doesn't really fit into any category since it was usually kept on the outskirts of battle to ensure it was safe.


I would say that the Mon Calamari Cruiser is more a Heavy Cruiser, or even a Battle Cruiser. The Star Wars universe uses the word "Cruiser" liberally. The Imperial Star Destroyer II would be in the same category. Home One is more the Cruiser.


;) Hope this helps.

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