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Problem getting Simultaneous Weapons Fire to Work


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I gave the Corellian Corvette turbolasers and anti-fighter only lasers.


When the ship moves into range and fighters and capital ships are in range, it fires on both of them simultaneously, as expected and wanted.


But the moment I tell the corvette to focus fire on a capital ship, it stops firing at the fighters. Ditto attacking fighters causing it not to attack capital ships.


Anyone know a way to solve this? A pretty big issue if you want a ship to have multiple weapons capable of targeting separate targets.

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There is nothing that you can do about it. Because player's ordrer is priority number 1 so the AI gives up on the intiative. Maybe you can try to set same target priority for capitals and fighters and see if that helps.

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You can add target restrictions to the hard points. For the weapon you want to fire only at fighters, add this line to the hardpoint:


<Fire_Category_Restrictions>Corvette, Frigate, Capital, Structure</Fire_Category_Restrictions>


Note that you are adding target classes that the hard point CANNOT fire at.


For the weapon you want to target classes other than fighters/bombers etc, use this line:


<Fire_Category_Restrictions>Fighter, Bomber, Transport</Fire_Category_Restrictions>


You can also use these lines for land units. For reference, the land categories are Infantry, Vehicle, Structure, Air and Transport.


Assuming things are working correctly, the weapons that cannot fire on the target you clicked should continue opportunity fire on the other targets that are open to them.


If it's still not working correctly, you can try narrowing the fire arc of the hard point such that the arcs don't intersect. This should force the ship to rotate such that the correct weapon is facing your clicked target and weapons outside the fire arc will take opportunity fire.

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Thanks Torpid, but unfortunately that's what I did.


I set fire restrictions for both turbolasers and anti-fighter lasers. I also set opportunity fire while targeting and idle to true. All that happens is that e.g. turbolasers fire on the capital ships while anti-fighter lasers sit idle when targeting capital ships even if fighters are buzzing about.


Fire arcs might work, will have to try. But it's gonna be funny to have a ship that can only fire on cap ships in front and fighters in the rear heh.

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