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Jedi Enlightenment and Sith Ascension

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This is a request to a brilliant to make 2 new passive force powers: Jedi Enlightenment and Sith Ascension for KOTOR II: TSL


A while back I saw 2 mods for KOTOR 1 that either changed all force powers to lightside or darkside.


Jedi Enlightenment would make all force powers for THAT Jedi only lightside powers.


Sith Ascension would do the same thing, except for darkside powers only.


Why not just translate those two mods to KOTOR II?


I want to give my characters more power; I don't want to take away power from my enemies.


This could be a high level force power. Or perhaps it can only be obtained in some super-secret, super-hard side quest.


Can someone make this? Please?

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A while back I saw 2 mods for KOTOR 1 that either changed all force powers to lightside or darkside.

Jedi Enlightenment would make all force powers for THAT Jedi only lightside powers.

Sith Ascension would do the same thing, except for darkside powers only.


I don't think that's possible. The Light/Dark/Neutral status of each force power is set in the goodevil column spells.2da and cannot be changed dynamically for just one force user.


If you change the setting in that column it would affect all users of that power, and the scripting language has no functionality to toggle it. It'd have to be done the hard way by putting an edited file in the override folder.


The only workaround I could think of would be to edit the impact script of all force powers to "re-fund" some of the spent force points if the passive force power is present. The problem with this though is that you'd need to have the full amount of FP in your force pool to begin with to use the power, since the impact scripts runs after the power is already used.


(One workaround could have been to make two duplicates of every force power in the game and then have a script check for the presence of the passive power and swap out all known powers for the force user as necessary. This won't work though since while there is scripting functionality for granting new powers, there is none to "unlearn" force powers already known by a character.)

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Just had a thought.


Other than Mira/Hanharr, plot points, endings, certain saber crystals/robes, Prestige Classes, Ultimate Light/Dark bonuses, etc., what does force alignment affect?


Does it affect force powers beyond their cost? Does it give corresponding alignment boosts to any powers?


Because if the only affect of alignment on force powers is their cost, I have a new force power to propose: Force Ascension.


It would give the jedi who had it unlimited force points.


Does this already exist? And if it exists, can I choose which characters to affect?


Alternatively, if the former can't be done, it would reduce the cost of all force powers.

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Other than Mira/Hanharr, plot points, endings, certain saber crystals/robes, Prestige Classes, Ultimate Light/Dark bonuses, etc., what does force alignment affect?

Does it affect force powers beyond their cost? Does it give corresponding alignment boosts to any powers?


There are a few areas in the game (the Tomb and Academy on Korriban most noticably, but there are others) where the alignment of a creature gives it bonuses/penalties to saving throws and force point regeneration rate. (I.e. areas strong with the Dark Side boosts darksiders and weakens lightsiders, while areas strong with the Light Side does the reverse.)


Because if the only affect of alignment on force powers is their cost, I have a new force power to propose: Force Ascension.

It would give the jedi who had it unlimited force points.


You can't directly affect the casting cost of a force power for an individual force user (beyond what the alignment modification to FP cost does). You can alter the force power impact scripts so that they immediately give back any Force points that were spent to cast the force power, if the force user knows a certain passive feat or force power.


A fairly minor modification to the k_inc_force.nss script and recompilation of the k_sp1_generic.nss script is all that is needed for this (aside from adding the passive feat or force power to the game).


EDIT: Since it (at least from how I understood what you requested) was such a fairly quick mod to do, I did one. You can get it here. Read the instructions before installing it.


That Mod will add a new passive feat, "Force Ascension", that when learned will give the force user back the FP cost to cast a force power immediately when it is used. Highly overkill IMHO, but that's what you asked for? :)

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