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Just My idea...


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Personally I'd like to see more then one faction, even if its just Empire/Rebel clones with a different name and slighty different ships / ship selection (Wouldn't even care if they where non playable the galaxy is so borining when theres only two sides!)


Misten's tactical mod impleneted into GC..man that mod is awsome!


A bigger GC map with the max amount of planets (60-80 I heard) with improved stragic choices thats not strictly cannon (Ie clusters of planets that require thoughtful invasions)


Mines turned (just in XML files) turned into some kind of Tax center or something along them lines, with only mineral rich planets (Like Genosis / kessel) being able to build true mines that give alot of credit.


Ground combat thats fair in auto resolve and realistic (1000's of troops and divisons of tanks should be able to destroy most moderate defences)


I'd like to see that no fighters can be built, only launched from a ship (spawned)

Different music, different GC textures. (That blue galaxy is not all that pretty)


a SFX pack with all the current good SFX's put together in one comprehsive pack.


Asteroids removed! (In maps where theres no room to use more then 3 Cap ships)


Correct scale of ships (relative the current restrictions of the maps)


Just to name a few...

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I think you're right, but I would have to say that I think the Republic and Seperatists make more interesting factions. Also there is a pirate mod downloadable that adds pirates as playable faction, though I haven't been truly able to select them. I only can select them when I start random clicking while at the same time dragging my mouse. I seriously hope this can be improved. Furthermore Id like to play an Empire vs Empire (same goes for the Rebels BTW) game, but in skirmish the game keeps telling me somebody has to play the Rebels. In GC the AI always selects the Rebels, but I think that may have something to do with the planet setup.


I wanto to play Empire vs Empire, it's my Imperial right to kill all traitors to the Empire, no matter if they use Imperial ships or other ships.

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I definitly agree that Republic and Seperatists would be fun to have and play with. I think the bigwigs over at LucasArts thought: "Hey we've been saturating the gaming market since Episode II with Clone Wars era games, we should do one in Classic Trilogy". Also, on the multiple factions, its totally a GUI issue, you can code in different playable factions, like my Pirate mod, but it is hard to select them. The guys over at Petroglyph said the GUI only handles two factions. Theres instuctions in my thread on pirates. It requires opening the menu, holding both mouse buttons, and then scrolling with the mouse wheel. Its not that hard once you get the hang of it like I had to, but nevertheless, inconveinent. I would assume an x-pack is coming for this game, and I'd bet alot of these issues are resolved

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usul and all


actually its not that hard to select the pirates in your mod. if you click the factions button, move your mouse over "imperial", hold done the first mouse button and scroll the wheel, it will go to pirates. you dont have to hold both buttons.

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