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Just a few question from an excited gamer....


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Can you run out of missions?


Is this game popular at all? (aka meaning, would i need to get the exspansions to enjoy a good game)


Is it worth the 12 a month?


Is it unendless fun?


Is it really, lets see, freedom as it says it is?


Does it lag at all?


Is their like clan wars? (between people, NOT EMPIRE, OR REBEL BASED, LIKE ACUAL CLANS)

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Hi there......heres some answers


Can you run out of missions?

Yes. it depends on how long you will spend playing. But with so many broken missions out there, it will be frustrating to get half way through a mission to find it not working and moving you onto the next part


Is this game popular at all? (aka meaning, would i need to get the exspansions to enjoy a good game)

The game is NOT popular. After the latest update (NGE), the game has suffered and there is hardly anyone playing. You wont need Jump to lightspeed to enjoy space now, but you WILL need Rage of the Wookiees and yet another trip BACK in time, with Trials of Obi Wan to benefit from the extra grinding needed to level up


Is it worth the 12 a month?

Nope! With so many other games out there cheaper and offer better value, despite not being Star Wars


Is it unendless fun?

Fun is a swear word with Sony (SOE). If a player encounters fun, it is swiftly removed by their useless dev team.


Is it really, lets see, freedom as it says it is?

The land maps are vast, excluding Kashyyk, where exploring is outlawed. But you do come to an end point but it can be a while to get there in terms of space. You can do more or less anything you want in the game.


Does it lag at all?

Yes. Since the NGE, oddly, lag has doubled, despite a huge drop in the player base. I have 2 gig of RAM and a powerful AMD 2.6 FX-55 chip and lag was annoying.


Is their like clan wars? (between people, NOT EMPIRE, OR REBEL BASED, LIKE ACUAL CLANS)

Not much now. Combat is so flawed its hardly worth it. No one has signed up to the clan wars in the game as they thought, because it put every single member at risk, including the crafters (who are all but gone now).


Sorry to sound so negative but this is how the game is currently. Lucasarts has promised that they will focus on fixing all the bugs in the game. Excluding expansion packs, there has been NO NEW CONTENT added in almost 2 years and that is shocking!


Read PC gamers review of the game, sticked at the top of the forum.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Well negative in deed, well thanks for the down to earth heads up, im Definitly not buying this game. Even tho i love star wars. Well thanks for your help.


You will enjoy the start of the game, the first few quests are quite good. But once you reach level 30, it's downhill all the way. I was a pre-NGE CL 80, and it's next to impossible for me to level up. But, I've heard they've added more XP per kill now, so maybe we will be able to get some decent hunting groups going.

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