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Star Wars The New Trilogy

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It is a time of war. The Sith are at the mere of extinction. They have been helpless for the time being. The Jedi are now accomplishing their goal of there being peace in the galaxy and beyond the outter rim. But in the main battle ground which is Tantoine there is unbelievable amount of force of two human beings. Jedi are being sent to Tantoine to find this force of these human beings before the powerful but weak Sith get to them. And two main Jedi, one a Jedi Master and her Padawan are in charge of finding this force. And the new trilogy begins....




- A republic space ship has landed in the base of the republic's head quaters. As it opens its door's two Jedi, Jedi Master Atris and her Padawan Vash come out.

Master Atris- This force that we are sent to find its very strange. The council hasn't told us nothing, expect to find it before the Sith find it.

Padawan Vash- Yes, Master. It's very strange for the council not to tell us something about it. What can we do?

Master Atris- What we can do is be wise and find this forse before the Sith find it.

As they went to get their speedders, a republic commander officer came running towards them.

Republic Commander- Jedi Atris Im sorry for interrupting your conversation, but we have found an unknown ship in our radar and it's not one of our's.

Padawan Vash- We must hurry!!!! I have the feeling it's the Sith.

Master Atris- I have the same feeling as well. We must leave at once!

They hop on their speedders and off they went not knowing that the mysterious force is of two children......


Im still working on my 2 chapter. chapter 2 will have lot's of surprises popping up

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Master Atris- This force that we are sent to find its very strange. The council hasn't told us nothing, expect to find it before the Sith find it.




some gramatical mistakes, like the one above me, but overall it was good.

interesting how you did it in play form.

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