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Rebellion Carrier

Master Leffe

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(If anyone's tried of my constant questions, please tell me, because I'll slow down with them if people want)


I'm creating a sort of aircraft carrier for the Rebellion to offset the massive fighter and bomber forces I've made for the Empire. Using the IPV model (It was sort of weak, and wasn't already an Imperial or Rebel ship), I succesfully made it spawn fighters. Unfortunately, it spawns them in the middle of the map. Is there any way to correct this? I've added in a fighter bay hardpoint (Though I'm not sure that will really do much condsidering the IPV's lack of hardpoints).

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master leffe:


this is hard to troubleshoot with knowing what you have done to it. Did you use a ship the does spawn correctly as a template for this new carrier, just to make sure you didn't forget anything?


when you added the hardpoint, is it on top of an exsisting harpoint? or did you try to create one from scratch? some extra info would help, and go a long way.



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Oh... right... I added the hanger bay on as an extra hardpoint to the IPV pirate craft, although I think it might have been netter to adjust it on top of one of the bones it uses... But what does it use? I didn't see any in the ship's file, but it must because of its lasers, right?

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Oh, I did. I made the scale bigger. It's now about twice the size of a Corellian Corvette.

if its supposed to be an aircraft carrier type ship, wouldnt it have to be bigger than this, after all aircraft carriers are seen as the biggest ships in todays navies, i wouldnt think it would be any different in the star wars universe

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It's only carrying a few squadrons. I'm giving Rebel players a new option, not giving them something that makes them like the Empire.


ur right, the rebels dont try and build the largest ships in the universe, they try and keep their fleets small and strike hard and fast,then run away 2 fight another day

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why not find one of the mods that added hangers to other ships and see how they did it. Then you simply need to do the same thing to your ship, well in theory that is all you have to do any way.


The other mods did it on other ships that have hardpoints.

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It was easier than I thought as there are examples that I can learn from.

I have created a pirate frigate that spawn fighters. The hanger harpoint is not targetable and not destroyable(because thats the simple way to do it).

I noticed that there seems to be no direct relationship between the hanger hardponit and the fighter spawn. (the spawn specifics are in the ship's code while the hardpoints do nothing other than holding a place) The fighters just spwn correctly at the location of the hard point so I guess the <Type>HARD_POINT_FIGHTER_BAY</Type> is important.

If you can post your code of that unit and the hardpoints here, people can find what is your mistake. I have no clue what you have done wrong.

I am now going to remove the torpedo HP and make the hanger targetable.

EDIT: this is done too. The whole process is relatively simple so please put your codes here so others can spot the mistake.

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Never mind, I've fixed the problem. Thanks for everyone's help on this!


You managed to get the fighters to spawn next to the ship, or you managed to get the hangar installed correctly?


I've managed to correctly add hangars, but the fighters will spawn at the center of the map. It's only slightly annoying since it gives a bit of recon info but means that the fighters get pretty ripped up since they are spawning in range of the Imperial ships. That vulnerable period can mean trouble...

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