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Prayers Please...

Guest garyah99

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

You americans are too rapped up in the whole earning your salvation thing, we are not supposed to earn it as that would mean we are not trying to live like Jesus because we believe in him or want to but because we want to get into heavan, by trying to live like Jesus did without and movtivation we show our real comitment to God. Our salvation can only be stopped if we truely deny Jesus and God in our hearts before we die.


Some people said that if someone never has any contact with Christianity then they get into heaven, im afriad this is not true, its not that God wouldnt do this but as God makes sure at sometime everyone has some experience of God, whether this is directly from him or in the form of other humans talking to them. eg. - This is a true story. An old man who for his entire life had been a strong athiest was at a Christian gathering because his family had gone, anyway he was bored sitting in the accomindation so he decided to go down to one of the worship session in the middle, anyway, when the preacher asked does anyone here want praying over the man went up and asked that he would go to heaven, the preacher told him that to go to heaven all he needed to do was to believe that Jesus Christ had died to save him. They nelt down and said a prayer asking God to accept this man into his family, he never got up from the floor, he had died seconds after accpeting God into his life.


You if a Hindu is brought up my Hindu parents, but he really believes in our God and struggles with leaving his parents for his entire life but still continues to hide it from his parents then he has faith and he will make it into heaven. Many people have to suffer for God and good book to read is DC Talk Jesus Freaks (yes i know its a song, a good one aswell, but they made a book of it aswell) it tells of people dying for Jesus, they are true heros anyone who is prepared to die instead of saying that they dont believe in God is an amazing person, so you see, whatever you go through in life to be a Christain nothing should be more important to you than God, even if that means losing your parents, I am not saying that your friend would not get into heaven but i do believe that God would prefere him to believe in God and he can still honor his parents in that living a lie is just as bad as not honoring your parents.



"Its Going down his leg i think we are going to have to amputate.

"No, dont take the leg, dont let them take the leg, they cant take the leg!!!"

"Its heading for his testicles"

"Take it, take the leg!!!"



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Guest Zoom Rabbit



Okay, if I may refer back to Kabbalah for a minute, it can be said that there are three 'paths' to God, in both the meditational context as well as in the greater scheme of things (as above, so below.)


On the left side we have the path of reason. Monks and ascetics use this path; by quietly contemplating existance, they figure things out for themselves. They have an 'aha' moment, and it all falls into place, including the role Jesus and love play in bringing them to God. This is a difficult and trying path.


Up the middle, we have the path of submission, where we enter God's grace largely through good works. We pay our debt, follow God's will and have the same 'aha' as the monks, only the realization comes from God and is not our own. The muslims use this path; it is also the path called 'tantra' in the far east. This path can be made easier with some kinds of yoga, but much of this is considered occult in western thought.


On the right side, we find the path of love. smile.gif The Christians and many Hindu use this path. By cultivating love with our savior, we are enabled to share that love with God Himself, and we find our place in the universe easily. This is the best and most natural path to take, IMHO. wink.gif


The ways religions use to connect people with God are various, but I've found that ultimately any of them can be fit into one of these three 'paths.' Three paths...holy Trinity? I think so, but I also believe in the Easter Bunny. biggrin.gif


[This message has been edited by Zoom Rabbit (edited August 14, 2001).]

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Interesting point about Satanism, Keyan. Having thought much about the difference between that cult and other religions, I think it lies entirely in the goal. In most religions, the goal is salvation...either from hell or rebirth (or both,) while the goal in Satanism is salvation from God's will. Religions seek to bring one in accord with His will, while Satanism alone goes the other direction. Cults which bring one to follow the will of their guru leader instead of God's accomplish the same thing, only more nefariously.


Choose wisely. wink.gif


Gary, I'm sorry I messed up your thread. Will you forgive me? biggrin.gif

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

Yeah sorry about that.


Well i can admit that if someone never hears of God then they default to heaven, its just i believe that everyone at some point in their lives will have some contact with God.



"Its Going down his leg i think we are going to have to amputate.

"No, dont take the leg, dont let them take the leg, they cant take the leg!!!"

"Its heading for his testicles"

"Take it, take the leg!!!"



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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Right at the end, at the very least.


In that case, it would probably be about how that person lived their life. If they were awful people because they simply didn't know they were going to be judged, oh well. *Flush!*


Or perhaps a merciful God would use a system like reincarnation to make sure souls like that had plenty of chances to get the message before giving up on them completely? smile.gif Nah...

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Originally posted by JR2000Z:

The only way to go to Heaven is to follow the religion that you believe in.

Originally posted by Keyan Farlander:

I'm not sure about that either. What about those who worship Satan?




Man, wouldn't that be the ultimate kick in the teeth? wink.gif


*consults clipboard*

Alright, let's see here. . .

Murderers? Yes, you, over there. *points*

Rapists? Any rapists down here? Ah, good; right over there, please. *points*

Bearers of false witness? Yes, second line over there, behind the sulphur pits. *points*

Fornicators. . . <small>My, there're a lot of you, aren't there?</small> Alright, over there, if you please. *points*

Atheists. . . Well, don't you feel like a right bunch of idiots, eh? smile.gif

--From a Rowan Atkinson comedy routine. (He was portraying Beelzebub at Armaggedon.)



Uh-oh. . . Don't try this at home, kids!

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