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[FIC] The Jedi Bounty

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This is set some time after the return of the jedi.


Chapter I


The grey jumped out of hyper space and slowly drifted towards the surface of Vaxnil Wedge sat quietly as he set too land on a out of the way landing pad a couple of clicks away from his objective.


Wedge was a 6ft tall middle aged man who had grown up on the outer rim he had been a Bounty Hunter for many years and usually got jobs to do with killing Imperial Leaders he had short brown hair and hazelnut eyes and was usually seen wearing his specially built Exoskeleton.


“Have we arrived?” Darla asked as she walked into the cockpit and sat down in he co pilot seat. She had her black hair in a bun and was wearing her specially designed battle armour as she always did on missions.


“Yeah this mission isn’t going to be easy from what I could see it’s pretty well defended.” Wedge replied he pushed back his chair and stepped over to the galaxy map.


“Nothing can stop me infiltrating the base ill have a side entrance opened up in minutes,” Darla giggled as she started to check her weapons and stealth generator.

“You better go get ready Wedge”


Wedge left the cock pit and stepped straight into his room he put on his exoskeleton and suddenly her a bang behind him he grabbed his blaster and turned but nothing was there he carried on checking bounty hunter weapons hearing the tapping of feat behind him getting closer.


“Looks like the trigger is broken on my E11 so ill have to take my heavy repeater” Wedge whispered softly then in a blink of and eye he turned round and grabbed the intruder around the neck.


“*Choke* Get off!” A young voice said as Ray uncloaked himself.


“ Oh sorry ray thought you were and intruder…” Wedge said as he let go of Ray’s neck.


“I was just checking out this new steal belt I built for Darla I have built in a tool kit so she doesn’t have to bring a separate one it also now can activate a shield around her to protect her from blaster fire for a short while.” Ray said unclipping the belt from his waist then turning round to leave the room.


“ Uh ray… can you fix my E11 again” Wedge quickly asked just before ray left the room. Ray sighed nodded then left the room.


Ray walked down the hallway and back and into the cockpit.


“Hey Ray is that a new belt for me?” Darla asked as she saw Ray enter.


“Yes don’t lose this one you losing my stealth generators and Wedge pummelling the trigger on his E11 are getting to much of a habit.” Ray replied and handed over the belt and then sat in the pilot seat.


“Now you two better get going and I will watch from here.”


“Ok we will contact you as soon as were close to the gate,” Darla said running after Wedge as he walked down the loading ramp.


Wedge walked to the edge of the landing pad looked down over to the fort.


“Hmm there seems no easy root apart from dropping off the cliff” Wedge said to him then pulled out his grappling hook and tied round a rock then to him self then watched as Darla did the same they then stepped backward until right at the edge of the cliff and dropped down head first until they came to a sudden stop just before the floor.


“Heh that was close” Darla said weekly and flipped over and unclipped herself and reeled in the cable then followed Wedge as he ducked behind a rock.


“Looks heavily guarded the only other entrance would be that guards entrance over there on the side of the wall other wise the main gates our only option” Darla whispered to Wedge who took out his comlink and activated it.


“ Ray where just in front of the gates its heavily guarded by 5 men I was thinking of distracting them with a thermo detonator and then destroying the rest with some explosives.” Wedge said quickly into the comlink there was some buzzing and thn a reply.


“ Sounds like a plan” Ray replied.


Wedge pulled out a thermo detonator and then as planed threw it into a ditch it then exploded and 3 of the men ran over investigate Wedge then throw the detonator packs down and jumped up. As Darla cloaked her self and slipped past the guards.


Hey guards help me my ship has been destroyed and I need some one to help me take my imperial cargo out of the wreckage!” Wedge shouted over to the guards who ran over and just as they stepped over the detonator packs blew up in flames Darla then uncloaked and hacked into the terminal and opened the door.


“Lets go” She said as she ran through the door and into the fort.

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