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Latest Highlander flick review

Guest Zoom Rabbit

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

I just picked up Highlander: Endgame (previously viewed) at the local Blockbuster. This film should be out in stores soon, and those of us who didn't bother to go see it in the theater the first time should now consider picking up a copy. biggrin.gif Do it!


This is the best Highlander flick I've seen. It has the advantage of having Duncan join Conner onscreen (who could kick Conner's pansy ass raving drunk and blindfolded, a fact the story doesn't try to hide) for some really great scenes that I don't want to give away. wink.gif It also has the best bad guy of them all: Jacob Kell. Pay attention to how many immortal kills this guy has to his name by the end of the movie; it's a neat clue to just how evil the character is!


Best line: 'This is what I call decap with a twist...no sugar.' *Hack*


There is a very good fight scene with Duncan taking on five opponents at once. A feat that the seventeenth-century samurai master Musashi wrote about in The Book of Five Rings, it is very well done by Duncan...and an indication of the expertise that went into the choreography! Among the weapons we see in this one fight are the Chinese dadao, Indian bagh nakh and khitar, a spiked baseball bat smile.gif and a really nifty cutlass with what appears to be a brass blade, saw-backed. Obviously, this movie is a must see for sword freaks *Cough!* Admiral *Cough!*


There is a pornographic scene. rolleyes.gif I, personally don't want to see the actors' private parts, but for those of us who are into that sort of thing, well...it's there.


For gun enthusiasts, our 'watcher' friend Joe demonstrates for us the proper use of the revolver at close range. biggrin.gif This movie has just about everything, except aliens. Or spaceships. But nothing's perfect, I guess.


Buy it! Watch it! Try it at home! <font size=1>(Well, maybe not that last one...)</font>



'What's up is clearly defined as the opposite of what is down, in this case being the strongest source of local gravity...failing that, in space, what's up is opposite the direction of accelerative G-force--or what I'm targeting with these laser cannon. Die, b*tch!'


--Official forum space terrorist

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Actually, a baseball bat is a wonderful weapon. I fail to see why people like to play such a boring game with them...


If you don't know what you're doing, but going to a swordfight, consider taking a bat. biggrin.gif

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Oh, and that isn't a baseball bat. It's an authentic war club, but I'm not gonna go look up the ethnography right now. rolleyes.gif

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit:

This movie has just about everything, except aliens. Or spaceships. But nothing's perfect, I guess.


Buy it! Watch it! Try it at home! <font size=1>(Well, maybe not that last one...)</font>


Why not? I have aliens and spacecraft at home.



Uh-oh. . . Don't try this at home, kids!

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Nazis and the US in Star Wars? Did I miss something...?


Maciejowski, huh? That's kind of a mouthful. How about if I just call it a 'Nutewhacker?'


Ha-ha! *Whack!* Yes! *Whack!* Ha-ha-hah! *Whack!* Whee! biggrin.gif

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The Rebels=the US

The Empire=the Nazis


Hitler and Palpatine were both Chancellors before starting up their New Orders and running around with stormtroopers. Hitler had a fascination with superweapons, as does out friend the Emperor. On the sixth planet of the HOTH system, a general bravely led his heavy armor corp against static defenses and quickly routed them, not unlike General Rommel under teh command of Field Marshall HOTH at the Maginot line. Imperial officers wear gray-green uniforms that match the gray-green of the Nazis. The Imperial army officers wear brown, almost like the SS troopers did. ISB wears black, like the Gestapo.

Plus TIEs sound like Stukas.



The Rebels are Americans because we talk the same and wear orange flight suits (as was the style of the day).

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

And here I thought the Empire represented the American establishment while the rebels were the hippie/beatnik/free thinker types in a completely different allegory...


Boy are we on different pages! wink.gif

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Sith = Bush dynasty


Star destroyer = aircraft carrier


Trade Federation = capitalist piggies


Death star = nuclear weapons


Note also the Empire's superiority in armor, technology and fleet size...just like America. biggrin.gif

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

The Death Star was built to clear the spacelanes of asteroids, not blow up planets...


Alderaan? Those rebel hippies were hopped up on goofballs again and blew it up themselves as some kind of twisted martyr/terrorist act. It was later politically convenient to blame the Death Star. smile.gif

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The destruction of Alderaan (who was harboring terrorists) was a perfectly legitimate strike against an enemy. Think of it like the firebombing of Dresden or Tokyo, just on an unfathomable scale.

But those liberal Rebels twisted things around and make a perfectly justifable military strike look like an act of terror, yet their destructions of thousands upon thousands of billions of credits worth of state property is "defensive."


Clearly, the rebels are not who we should be rooting for.

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Guest Fondas

So the Empire were supposed to be the Nazis...


Funny, I've always thought that nazis couldn't speak english with an almost perfect oxfordian accent...

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