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Prestige classes for NPCs


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I was wondering if it would be possible to advance any companions who have become a jedi to the prestige class, once they reached a certain level? The only mod i've found that makes them prestige can only make them prestige class as soon as they become jedi.

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Hey jj! The MOD you are referring to is by 'slipstream' and is called 'ss prestige padawans'. AFAIK, it is the only MOD like this available for TSL --- Unfortunately with this MOD you become 'prestige class' once you convert NPCs to Jedi (or Sith!), you can't talk to Kreia and 'learn' the 'preatige class' at level 15 (like the PC).


You may want to use tk102's KSE Savegame Editor (for KotOR 1 and TSL!) to manually change NPCs classes- you can even create multi- class NPCs. Simply open KSE and select the savegame# you wish to alter from the savegame 'tree' in KSE (if you have only 1 saved game, it will show only 1 saved game--- if you have 2 saved games, it will list 2 saved games--- etc..., etc...). Now once you have selected the savegame you want altered, a new 'tree' will drop down and list several functions--- find the 'party NPCs' catagory, click the '+' next to it and ALL the CURRENT NPCs in your party will appear in another drop down 'tree' --- now just click the '+' next to the name of the party NPC you want to edit and scroll down that NPCs new menu ( this menu looks identical to the one you see 'branching' off the PC in the FIRST menu of the savegame you selected) until yo find a heading for 'classes' --- click the '+' and a drop down displaying that NPC CURRENT class(es) will show--- just click on the existing class and a menu with the options: 'ADD NEW CLASS', 'REMOVE CLASS', 'CHANGE CLASS' --- from here you can edit in new classes for ALL your NPCs (just remember to 'APPLY CHANGES' and 'SAVE CHANGES' when you are done, or it won't get saved!), not to mention about 1,000,000,000 other cool options for your game.


The only negative to this is there are no cutscenes to show you training NPCs in the ways of the Force, so what I do is convert NPCs normally, and once they are Sith (or Jedi) I use KSE for the 'prestige class'--- sure, not as cool, but it gets the job done! I am just a 'wee baby' when it comes to MODding, but I don't think there is a way to MOD these 'class' changes--- I think only the PC (exile) was coded for this, so it just won't happen for the NPCs... though someone around here more powerful in the Force than me might know differently.


Anywho, if you don't already have the GREAT KSE, do yourself a favor and grab it here: http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php

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I was wondering if it would be possible to advance any companions who have become a jedi to the prestige class, once they reached a certain level? The only mod i've found that makes them prestige can only make them prestige class as soon as they become jedi.


No, not without replacing their original Jedi class, if they had a mundane class before becoming Jedi. Characters who only have a jedi class, like Kreia and Visas, can get a prestige class later without any problems though.


A character can have at most two classes, and the scripting functionality can only add or modify the second class.

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Hey jj! The MOD you are referring to is by 'slipstream' and is called 'ss prestige padawans'. AFAIK, it is the only MOD like this available for TSL --- Unfortunately with this MOD you become 'prestige class' once you convert NPCs to Jedi (or Sith!), you can't talk to Kreia and 'learn' the 'preatige class' at level 15 (like the PC).


You may want to use tk102's KSE Savegame Editor (for KotOR 1 and TSL!) to manually change NPCs classes- you can even create multi- class NPCs. Simply open KSE and select the savegame# you wish to alter from the savegame 'tree' in KSE (if you have only 1 saved game, it will show only 1 saved game--- if you have 2 saved games, it will list 2 saved games--- etc..., etc...). Now once you have selected the savegame you want altered, a new 'tree' will drop down and list several functions--- find the 'party NPCs' catagory, click the '+' next to it and ALL the CURRENT NPCs in your party will appear in another drop down 'tree' --- now just click the '+' next to the name of the party NPC you want to edit and scroll down that NPCs new menu ( this menu looks identical to the one you see 'branching' off the PC in the FIRST menu of the savegame you selected) until yo find a heading for 'classes' --- click the '+' and a drop down displaying that NPC CURRENT class(es) will show--- just click on the existing class and a menu with the options: 'ADD NEW CLASS', 'REMOVE CLASS', 'CHANGE CLASS' --- from here you can edit in new classes for ALL your NPCs (just remember to 'APPLY CHANGES' and 'SAVE CHANGES' when you are done, or it won't get saved!), not to mention about 1,000,000,000 other cool options for your game.


The only negative to this is there are no cutscenes to show you training NPCs in the ways of the Force, so what I do is convert NPCs normally, and once they are Sith (or Jedi) I use KSE for the 'prestige class'--- sure, not as cool, but it gets the job done! I am just a 'wee baby' when it comes to MODding, but I don't think there is a way to MOD these 'class' changes--- I think only the PC (exile) was coded for this, so it just won't happen for the NPCs... though someone around here more powerful in the Force than me might know differently.


Anywho, if you don't already have the GREAT KSE, do yourself a favor and grab it here: http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php

Thanks for that, I'll give it a go.

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RedHawke also made a really quick but sweet mod that makes Kreia choose a prestige class at the same time the PC does. (She becomes a Jedi Master if the PC is lightside, or a Sith Lord if darkside).


I don't think her prestige powers work (since they require the caster to be strongly light or dark side aligned, and Kreia's alignment is always perfectly neutral) but if nothing else it just makes sense and makes a great addition...especially if your using ChAiNz.2da's Kreia's Assorted Robe Collection. [/shameless plug]

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