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MI4 Installation problems, please help!


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Hey, I'm having trouble installing EMI. The problem is, their seemingly is no problem. Nothing happens. I insert the Cd (legal copy) and the launcher loads up, I get the splash noises etc, then I click on Install and then the launcher goes and then nothing. No installar or anything. Just nowt. I've tried countless times, I've even tried 'exploring' the Cd so to speak, and running the installer from the directory and still nothing.


I've tried all that autoexec file into the system32 folder stuff to no avail. I did a compatibility test and I failed the cpu test. Apparently I have 0 cpu whatever that means, I'm pretty sure its talking rubbish though. Otherwise my laptop wouldn't even turn on. Oh and I can play curse of monkey island without any glitches.


If anyones got any advice I'd be immensely helpful, I know I'm not the only one to experience this as I've read about and theirs others with this mysterious problem. Help please.



ps- My CD has no scratches on, its in perfect condition.

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Only thing I can think of would be, if you're running in windows XP, to turn compatibility mode on on the actual installer icon. Find the installer on the CD, right click, click on the compatibility tab and then check the box saying "run this program in compatibility mode for:" and then choose an OS (I'd suggest Win 98/ME as it seems to run stably in that OS).


And then run the installer and see what happens.

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