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OK, it's now official...


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... that I'm committed to this move, that is.

I just packed both joysticks, the printer, scanner, and most of my software, including all of my game titles, away. It looks like it's really going to happen now.

Moving really bites the big one, didja know that? I'm looking forward to being in the new place, but I really wish that somebody would just tranquilize me until the move was over, and everything was unpacked and set up the way I want in the new place.

The worst part for me was deciding what to dispose of before packing. The new place is a little bit bigger, but layed out so differently that there won't be as much room to store all my crap. I've got to get rid of a lot of it (actually, most of it), otherwise the rooms will be so cramped as to be unlivable. I'm a pack-rat by nature, so I save everything! Throwing something away, especially if I feel it still has use is like a dagger in my heart! But it must be done, I guess.


Well, break-time's over! Back to work, packing everything I have ever owned into cardboard boxes. UGH. Somebody save me.... AAARRRRGH!!!!


*** end edlib's rant transmission ***

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Sure! That's the one thing I will have no shortage of. Like I said, I save EVERYTHING! So all the computer hardware, VCRs, DVD player, CD players and the like are all going back in the original packaging (styrofoam, plastic bags, cardboard liners, twisty-ties, the works). I know that I won't need to worry about these items during shipping, although I'll probably be taking these across town in the trunk and back seat of my car anyway.

How's that for being obsessively anal-retentive? Scary, huh?


My mom works for an international electronics firm (Analog Devices Inc. in Norwood, Ma.), and she can get all she wants of some of the best heavy-duty shipping boxes ever, for free.

Works out nice. biggrin.gif

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Well for me packing stuff is no sweat: People are hired for that biggrin.gif But when we move (every 2 or 3 years) we have to do a complete list of all our belongings (Value, year of purchase, quantity, etc etc), now that is annoying. But still, I don't do it cool.gif

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Originally posted by edlib:

Hell, it would take me 2 years just to inventory all this stuff like you described! If I had to do that I'd never move! EVER!


When we moved out of Ottawa to go to Warsaw we did the whole inventory list in less than a week before the packing guys came... every day morning til night my parents and brother were listing...

I feel kind a awful I didn't do a thing... rolleyes.gif


Now when moving here I helped... a bit.


I swear it's worst than Santa's list!

<font size=1>



[This message has been edited by Jem (edited August 19, 2001).]

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I ran out of boxes again.

And I'm only about 75% finished.


The worst part is I'm not even MOVING. I'm REDECORATING.

For the first time in like 10 years, my room's getting painted (since I'll be here for at least two more years). I'm going with gray. It'll be like I'm on the Death Star or something, only with tons of posters.

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Heh. What teenaged Darth Vader's room would look like. wink.gif


Is everybody moving? The movers are supposed to be here tomorrow morning.


Fortunately, I'm just moving from the current apartment into another a few blocks away, so the vast majority of my stuff is staying at my Mom's house. I have loaded boxes all over the place, and more stuff to pack.


Mom & I are moving a bunch of smaller stuff over tonight, actually, so the movers'll only have to <strike>wreck</strike> handle the bigger things (shelves, bed, couch, charis, table, etc).


I hate moving mostly because, living in Ottawa, I'm past the point of believing in human competence or consideration. I'm half-xpecting that everything that I don't carry over and set up myself will end up cracked/smashed/bent/dented/scuffed/crumbled, or otherwise demolished.


I'm not even letting mom touch some of my stuff ('specially not after she makes a mess of my kitchen and rearranges my living room).


I'm currently planning on spending Thursday putting everything in place after mom leaves (hopefully on Wednesday).



Uh-oh. . . Don't try this at home, kids!

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Well, I'm moving now because it is:


A.) The most conveinent time, seeing as school is between semesters and there's not much going on at work. And


B.) Just happens to be when the deal closes on the property.


A few months ago the new landlords who bought the apartment building I'm living in told us thart they were going to come in, do a little bit of work, then DOUBLE the rent!!!

Now this place isn't that nice. The only reasons I have stayed here for the last 5 years is because it is very convienient to public transportation to downtown Boston, and because it was insanely cheap for around here! I've gotten away with paying less than half the rent most everybody else I know is paying, and most of them have a bunch of roomates splitting the rent at that!

At that cost this place was great! But double it... No thanks. It's not that nice.

Now then can get in here and do all the work they want without my stuff in the way.

If they fix it up nice then they can charge whatever they want for it. I'm sure they'll find someone who'll pay it.

Just not me.


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I decided that after who knows who long, that I need to redo my room. I'll be here a few more years and I have the money, so I'll do it. I'd move out if I could, but the cheapest apartments around here are $369 a month. When you only make $380 a month, you're kinda ****ed.

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My move is now complete! cool.gif


Moved everything in on Tuesday (barely; the moving company we hired for Tuesday morning are idiots who can't tell the difference between August 21<sup>st</sup> and September 21<sup>st</sup>, so we had to grab a replacement that day). Mom & I spent Wednesday setting stuff up and buying new rugs, and lamps. Mom went home yesterday, and now I'm just waiting for the cable guy to Email back to schedule the hook-up.


This place rocks. I have hardwood floors ( biggrin.gif ), a balcony, a laundry room down the hall, and air conditioning.


The only problem is that (because of the hardwood floors), the place echoes something fierce. I'm planning to get more rugs, and maybe some wall-hangings.


(I also got a 1/100 model of Wing Zero Custom, but that's not relevant. biggrin.gif )



Uh-oh. . . Don't try this at home, kids!

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