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Admiral Odin

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Originally posted by Deac:

Flying saucer? Oh no, that light in the sky and that flaming wreckage behind is a weather balloon...


We've been through this before, haven't we?


Gentlemen. . . The Roswell Conspiracy has begun.
--(then-)Capt. James Rinnaker, USAF


<small>Thank you, General Rinnaker.</small>


EDIT: I got Rinnaker's name wrong. No problem; he's dead anyway.



Uh-oh. . . Don't try this at home, kids!


[This message has been edited by Flying Beastie (edited August 26, 2001).]

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The Roswell incident is NOTHING compared to the Latrobe 'event.' Almost exactly the same thing as Roswell, EXCEPT there was actual military presence during the whole thing. People were forcibly removed from their homes and stuff. Few outside of Western PA have ever heard of it just because it was so secretive right from the get go. The government had people waiting on the ground right when the whatever it was came down. It was sometime in the early 1960s. The impact caused fires on the ground which local firefighters had to put out and they reported what COULD have been a conical vehicle with strange writing on it.

Later reports indicated the government first detected it as a ballistic inbound, but the thing kept skipping off the atmosphere all over canada before heading south and crashing far east of Pittsburgh.

Sound like a UFO crash? DOES TO ME, EXCEPT...


in 1998 a declassified report with photos proved it to be a Russian space capsule they were testing.

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Hey Nute, you ever heard of "the Shag Harbour Event?"


It's the Canadian equivalent of the Roswell Incident. biggrin.gif


Shag Harbour(*) is in Newfoundland, and one night back in the '50s (IIRC; I heard this on TV a few months ago), residents of the harbour town witnessed a strange light streaking across the sky like a meteorite (or a falling plane). The whatever-it-was hit the water several leagues out, and fishing boats converged, planning to offer aid if it was a downed aircraft.


When they arrived, they couldn't find anything but some strange, yellow, sulphur-smelling foam, drifting over the water. The foam disintegrated within hours, and the next day, divers (from the military, natch) reported that there was nothing under the water. No wreckage, no nothing.


That night, a few residents report seeing a military ship hauling something out of the drink, a few fathoms down-current (it was too dark for the land-bound observers to make out what).


The military repeated that no hardware of any kind had been recovered, and the cause of the disturbance remains a "mystery" to this very day.




* <small>Cork the dumb jokes, you brits; the name's no worse than Middlesex.</small>



"Don't f_ck with the Jedi Master, son." --Mark Hamill

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

I always suspected those red bastards had some kind of connection to Mars! I mean, they've been calling it the 'red' planet all along...


The USSR didn't collapse--it just relocated itself safely offworld! eek.gif


*(Goes outside and clears the cobwebs out of the bomb shelter.)*

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