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Request for Improved Absorption Visor

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I really like the way the "Advanced Agent Interface" looks in KotOR 1 (pretty BA), but I was saddened to see that the design wasn't carried over into any headgear for KotOR 2. So I was wondering if someone could make a model for the Absorption Visor using the "Advanced Agent Interface" look. Either that or could someone talk me through how to do it myslef? Thanks.

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Hola, HombredeEspanol! Welcome to the forum, amigo!


I myself am not yet versed in the fine art of re-skin/modeling, but the guy you need to look for is oldflash. Oldflash IS the resident expert 'round these parts when it comes to the whole mask/head gear thang. He is also a very helpful MODder. So just keep your eyes peeled for him to give you a response- he is DEFINITELY the man to talk to about this! (whether he just flat does it for you, or if you want him to give you some hints on how to do it yourself!)


Also, I am not entirely clear on which visor you are talking about (I don't recall that item name from KotOR1), but oldflash has made several cool looking masks - one of his existing mask/visors MODs may already have what you are looking for.


Just go to http://www.pcgamemods.com and search thru the KotOR II- masks section, find a MOD by oldflash and click on his name - this will call up a screen with oldflash's MODs, one of them may already have what you are looking for!


Feliz cinco de Mayo, mi amigo! :)


- DM.005 :maul5:

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Thanks for the reply. I'll sure keep my eyes open for Oldflash. I'm new to this modding thing, so the help of qualified experts is a definite plus at this stage.


The "Advanced Agent Interface" is an item in K1 that can only be found at the rodian's shop on the Yavin space station. It looks totally sweet with a shiney, sunglass-like visor and some technologic ear covers that look reminiscent of those of worn by Lando's aid in Cloud City on Bespin in Ep 5.

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Hey, thaks alot, oldflash. I've been to pcgamemods alot, looking for a screenshot of something that used the "Advanced Agent" moddel, but I guess I just didn't look hard enough.


I've already done .uti editing for some items myself, so I could make that. I really just didn't want to do any moddeling. If the "Advanced Agent" moddel is in K2 then how do I retrieve it and link it to a .uti? Wher are .uti .mdl and .mdk item files stored in the K2 directory?


Thanks again.


The properties for the absorption visor are:

Defense Bonus 1

Damage Immunity 15% electrical

Damage Immunity 15% energy

Damage Immunity 75% ion

Damage Immunity 90% sonic

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Ok, WOW, thanks alot. I can just edit the .uti now to make it exactly what I want! You're the best Oldflash! But...


Wait. So, the "Advanced Agent Interface" model is already in K2, so all I have to do is download the .uti file? (And drop it in the override folder, of course.) How did you link the file to the model?

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In .uti file, in first tab (where you set name and resref) is a small numeric box where you set model variation. That box set which model will be used for item appearance and in your case is 5. Unused by default in TSL. In .uti files you set item stats, price, tag and resref, description, item type and model variation. It's not big deal and you will get here alot of support. :) You also may chech General Tutorials + Tools section for start.

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