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[TSL] Looking for:


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Alright... maybe Im a newb, maybe Im just blind, or maybe its actually hidden well, whichever. I was looking at different peoples KotOR:TSL Mods and I came across Stoffe's High Level Force Powers mod and so I went to look into it further. I was directed to a thread on this page which had Screenshots for different powers so I took a peek. Beeing the observant person I am I noticed right away that the portraits were quite different from normal, knwing that this could only be from a different mod I went looking to see if there was refference to it on that thread, and there wasn't. Perfectly normal as that wasn't what that thread was for, so I went looking elsewhere, PCGM, Lucasfiles, and numerous google searches. I was entirely unable to find it, so I ask: Can anyone direct me to this wonderful looking mod?


Example Screenshot from mentioned thread.

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Welcome to the jungle, Psyfun! :)


Although your question is a little hard to make out, I believe what you are asking for (judging by the screenshot you included) is stoffe's CSA, or Combat Simulation Arena MOD. This great MOD (and the details about it), as well as stoffe's High Level Force Powers MOD (also a must have!) can all be easily found (along with links to detailed descriptions/discussions) by finding ANY post by stoffe -mkb- and following the link under her signature to ALL of her GREAT MODs!


Hope this answers your question!


- DM.005 :maul5:

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(snip)I am I noticed right away that the portraits were quite different from normal, knwing that this could only be from a different mod I went looking to see if there was refference to it on that thread, and there wasn't.

Can anyone direct me to this wonderful looking mod?


Those portraits are not from some released mod (unless someone else has made one that I'm not aware of).


Most of the portraits are cut from the wallpaper images available at LucasArts K2:TSL site in the Media section. I just cut out the character face from the wallpapers, cleaned up the background a bit and installed them as replacement for the standard portraits in the game (since those were rather dull IMHO). For the characters that weren't on the wallpapers, like Mira and Hanharr, I made my own portraits instead in a similar style.


Since they (most of them) are made from LucasArts concept art and not something I've done myself I've not uploaded it as a Mod anywhere as I doubt I'd have the right to do that. The wallpapers are freely available at LucasArts site linked to above, so there's nothing preventing others from doing the same for their own personal use though. :)

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Ty for your time patience, and moving this to the correct forum (wasnt sure where it should go since its not a request for a new mod). Well if it is not something that has been released for others to use I must see about making something for myself, as the in game portraits are rather bland. Sadly up until 4 days ago I was not even aware that KotOR was modable. Again thanks for the time you have given me on this matter. :)


Edit: P.S. on a side note I noticed the Babylon 5 Images on your site Hawk, are you a fan? It seems to me most people have never heard of it.


Yes I am. It is the one series that blows even the mighty Star Wars away. I am not alone around here though, there are a few others who post here that are B5 fans as well. :) -RH

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