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Guest Rune Haako

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Guest Rune Haako

All I want to do is order episodes of He-Man on DVD, but I can't seem to be able to do that. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND PURE, SOMEBODY HELP ME!



...a cigarette in one hand, a drink in the other, a girl on my lap and life is beautiful!

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Did anyone see the movie? I have it biggrin.gif


Best part in every He-Man was:


<font size=5>I HAVE THE POWER !!!!</font>

<font size=1>


EDIT: Happy Keyan? wink.gif





[This message has been edited by Jem (edited August 31, 2001).]

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You gotta feel sorry for He-Man...after he goes and and risks life and limb, everyone asks him "Prince Albert, where were you?" and he has to say "I was uhh, cowering behind a bush" or something.



You're supposed to be dumpster-diving for ham scraps, you six-piece chicken McNobody!


Official forum Psychic

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First of all, it was "I have the power," dammit, and secondly, it was Prince Adam.


And Ike - you haven't lived until you've experienced He-Man!


I used to have this cool He-Man action figure. You put caps in it (like for a cap gun), twisted his upper body, and he would punch to the sound of the cap going off. It was awesome.


[This message has been edited by Keyan Farlander (edited August 31, 2001).]

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Guest Rune Haako

If you think He-Man is cool, try yelling "BY THE POWER OF GREYSKULL!" when you're drunk at a bar that's got Country Night going on.


I couldn't even count the number of stares I got for that one.

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The movie is cool, though. Very Star Wars-ish, in a way. I like Dolph Lungren (or whatever his name is - the big guy from Rocky IV). He made a good He-Man. Interesting that that movie features a young Courteney Cox, by the way.


[This message has been edited by Keyan Farlander (edited August 31, 2001).]

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It's "Dolph Lundgren" dammit! wink.gif and I didn't know that was Courteney Cox in there! I havn't seen the movie for a very very long time, last time I saw it "Friends" didn't exist.

Since I have the tape and also nothing to do I'll maybe check it out once more, it will bring back memories...


As for it being Star Wars-ish, in a way, it is written on the end of the movie description located on the back of the tapes case:

"Or else nothing will save Eternia from a dark millenium of STAR WARS" wink.gif


We must use the Cosmic Key in order to save the Sorceress of Greyskull castle!

<font size=1>


[This message has been edited by Jem (edited August 31, 2001).]

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Guest Redwing

"He-Man"?? Does he get together with "She-Woman" in the season finale? tongue.gif



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Originally posted by Jem:

It's "Dolph Lundgren" dammit! wink.gif and I didn't know that was Courteney Cox in there! I havn't seen the movie for a very very long time, last time I saw it "Friends" didn't exist.

Since I have the tape and also nothing to do I'll maybe check it out once more, it will bring back memories...


As for it being Star Wars-ish, in a way, it is written on the end of the movie description located on the back of the tapes case:

"Or else nothing will save Eternia from a dark millenium of STAR WARS" wink.gif


We must use the Cosmic Key in order to save the Sorceress of Greyskull castle!

<font size=1>


[This message has been edited by Jem (edited August 31, 2001).]


Bah, so I missed one letter and even admitted I didn't know in the first place - you screwed one of the greatest phrases of all time! (Can you tell how much I liked He-Man now? smile.gif)


I do remember He-Man and She-Ra's Christmas. It was a TV special where they got together and saved Christmas from Skeletor. I think I still have it on tape somewhere, in fact. Now that, although the cartoon was very, very cool, was the stupidest thing I have ever seen.


[This message has been edited by Keyan Farlander (edited September 01, 2001).]

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Somebody at work downloaded a bunch of He-Man cartoons to my hard-drive one day. They were in Real format and I have no idea where he found them.

I had to delete them because of space, but I watched a few of them first. They were way funny!

I was a bit too old for He-Man when it was on TV.

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