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Any update admins?

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Hey, I realize it is E^3 week and all, but i was wondering if we could expect any kind of update (other than about the expansion, which looks awesome btw)about the patch, mod tools etc? I would have put this in an already open thread but i'm pretty sure they were locked down.


Anyways, I just wasnt sure if DarthMaul or Fosh etc. had learned anything new...or if they know whether or not Rogue will be making a friday update.....I am in no way angry that they delayed the patch (actually i dont think they ever intended to release the patch before E3, just trying to get people to pay attention for when they released the exp. trailer, but thats neither here nor there) I was just wondering if we had been given any kind of an update since monday.......


Thanks in advance for any info you can give...


I have a feeling this will be locked down too though lol

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oh. ive already read all of that, I was wondering if there had been an update as to wether or not they are having any kind of luck with their "irradication" of those darn bugs. Ah well, i am sure they will let us know something before next week.


*off topic* BTW, has anyone seen SAGEKING? iv'e been reading around the various forums and it seems a lot of people are wondering where SAGEKING has "r u n n o f t" to.


As Darth Maul seems to be the most professional and quick responsed person i have ever seen in a community game forum...i nominate him to either take SAGE's job or be his assistant or something lmao.


*way off topic* Did you see the trailer for the new indy game!!!??? THAT is going to be the greatest thing since sliced turkey or maybe even sliced cheese!! (I wonder if they could impliment that type of engine into a game similar to episode 3??? that would be cool.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Living in England doing his job? hmmm hehe. He has posted a small update on the Petroglyph site which now has the trailer and the screens for the expansion.


No news yet on those tools and Im just around because I am working on the expansion site for the network.



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