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Graphic effects not working


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This is probably an old problem, but I couldn't find it in the archives, so here goes. The visual effects for special powers and such don't work on my computer. For instance, Visas and Kreia don't see through the Force when in First-person mode and my PC doesn't see through the Force at all after I use the power; they just see normally. When Hanharr goes into Wookie Rage or my PC goes into Marauder Fury, the red border around the screen doesn't happen. They just look normal. The cool effect when a character uses Master Speed doesn't work.


I played the game on Xbox before I got it for PC, so I know what they are supposed to look like. I have the graphics set to medium and all of the grass/shadows/etc. set to 'on', so I don't think that it's a graphics issue. Anyone know what it going on? Thanks.

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