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Imperial-II Star Destroyer

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Can someone make the Imperial-II class Star Destroyer? It is just like the original Imperial Star Destroyer, but with many more turbolasers and better shields. It would add realism to the Empire; its later ships had more firepower than the Mon Cal cruisers, not the other way around. The fact that it disrupts the balance is irrelevant; if I cared about balance, I would not be requesting this mod.


Can someone make this? Please?

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I would support an Impstar Deuce if it were counterbalanced by a similarly advanced Alliance/New Republic Vessel of the same era such as an MC-80B or a MC-90. I would reccomend that the ISD II be 6500 as opposed to the ISD I's 5000, and a similar jump from the Mon Calamari Cruiser to the MC-80B. The new ships should not be as powerful as the Home One or Accuser, but close to it. Increasing the power of those ships very slightly would be an acceptable balance.


I realize that you are not concerned about balance, but balance can be acheived correctly and canonically, and it would give players a chance to play with a new Mon Cal.

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  sprigner said:
Just wait for legacy fo war mod. Its coming out this or next week and includes the SSTD :)


Legacy of war is months away. A minimod for the SSD is coming out this upcoming week it is 1 ship and maybe a few other surprises not the full mod

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