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Request for adding custom items to stores

Darth Raum

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This isn't really a mod request, but I'm a noob here and didn't know where else to put this. All I really want, is a guide to add my 3 custom items to Samhan Dobo's shop. I read the creating a store guide and got a general idea, but I can't get it to work. So if anyone knows how to add custom items to an existing store, it would be greatly appreciated.

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Extract the store from the Rim in KotorTool. (*.utm file)

Open the inventory of the store, and add a saber to it.

Where it says 'Tag' or 'ResRef' replace g_w_lghtsbr01 with your_custom_item.

It might still say that it is a saber, but it is now your custom item.

Save it and drop it into override. Load a save before you got to that module.


Hope this helps!



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