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Workshop: Strategy & Tactics

Flying Beastie

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As I was walking home from CanLit class (still single, alas), I reflected on my current situation.


My plan to ask the Babe out has thus far been foiled. I've concluded that my current failure is primarily due to two factors, both of them based on my desire for subtlety and smoothness.


I can't simply approach and ask her to go out with me. I require some external motivator as a basis for a date, something like a one-time social gathering (like a dance or party), an accomplishment to be celebrated, or an event of shared interest. The "catalyst" need not be a date itself; if I can get the Target alone in a non-school environment, I am confident in my improvisational abilities. I know she'd enjoy the date, but I need some excuse to actually launch the operation.


My previous plan (the one that failed after summer school), relied on the accomplishment (shared, in this case) of completing the SF Writing class. I intended to offer to buy her dinner, and could have improvised beyond that point.


The other problem is that my plan requires that I can approach when the Target is alone. She usually has at least one other friend hanging around. This is a matter of subtlety; I want it to be clear that my invitation is to her alone rather than to a group of mutual friends, yet leave the "D-word" unstated. This will enable her to back down (should she wish), without risking serious social damage to our friendship.


This last is proving to be the most difficult. Usually, the Target is escorted by two other girls, presumeably friends from before University. One of them acquired a boyfriend over the summer, and is thus rarely present. The other is also frequently elsewhere (or has been thus far).


Today, a new factor was introduced into the tactical equation: a new male friend. However, a brief conversation assures me that he is no threat (only an obstacle); the Bearded-one already has a girlfriend, and, to put it charitably, is not bright.


Well, he is bright (he's an Ottawa U. English Major, after all), but no intellectual match for the Babe.


Any advice? Suggestions? Comparable anecdotes?



"Don't f_ck with the Jedi Master, son." --Mark Hamill

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<font size=7><font face="Palace Script MT">Is there a patern going on here? There seems to be a sudden rush these last days of topics concerning "guy want girl but can't"


Anyways just go for it before that new male friend becomes her new male boyfriend ( that soiunded weird... as if a male girlfriend or female boyfriend existed.. biggrin.gif )

</font></font><font size=1>



[This message has been edited by Jem (edited September 18, 2001).]

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I see you don't like my elegant handwritting <font size="7"><font face="20faces">s</font></font>


<font size=3><font face="Tom's Handwriting">How's this one then ?</font></font>

<font size="7"><font face="20faces">r</font></font>

<font size=1>



[This message has been edited by Jem (edited September 18, 2001).]

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Okay. Nevermind the specific tactics--decisions like that are best left to the tactician who's actually on the battlefield, and that's you, soldier. wink.gif I will provide a little intelligence, though.


Women are people, and people are subject to their environment. Whether they realize it or not, their surroundings influence how they feel, and those feelings usually get mixed right in with all the other input they use to form opinions. If you can take control of the environment, you can strongly influence the formation of opinions. biggrin.gif


Example of what I'm saying: good date = nice restaurant, bad date = hockey game. Even if she likes hockey, the second date will be a bad idea (for initial dating, anyway) because it will produce violent feelings at a time when she's forming opinions about you. Subconsciously, she will associate you with the game.


When choosing a locale for courtship rituals, go for relaxing decor. Darkened lighting, warm, happy colors, romantic music. Use alcohol as a tool--it has the effect of intensifying whatever emotion the drinker is feeling, and by applying or withdrawing alcohol at key moments, you can influence the situation even more.


When going to movies, research the story beforehand so you can select a film where the guy gets the girl. smile.gif Regardless of how romantic the movie is, that one plot detail has much impact. Also, bear in mind that women tend to like movies that deal with thoughts and feelings more than action and intrigue. Save the Rambo movie for your third of fourth date, and go ahead and see the 'date' movie for your initial encounter...sitting through one or two of them is a minor investment of time.


Hope this helps. Good luck. biggrin.gif GET SOME!!!

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit:

bad date = hockey game.


<font size=3><font face="Tom's Handwriting">Zoom forgot to mention that this is false during playoffs only.</font></font>

<font size=7><font face="20faces">b</font></font>

<font size=1>




[This message has been edited by Jem (edited September 18, 2001).]

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<font size=3><font face="Tom's Handwriting">

I didn't find them, I knew them already a long time ago. The only reason I never did it before is because I didn't want to bother typing all those html commands.


Today I felt like it...</font></font>

<font size=7><font face="20faces">l</font></font><font size=1>


[This message has been edited by Jem (edited September 18, 2001).]

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Quiet, lest I levitate some sharp objects with my mind and hurl them at you. Yes, I know psychics can't do that, but do you REALLY want to risk it?



You're supposed to be dumpster-diving for ham scraps, you six-piece chicken McNobody!


Official forum Psychic

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I need a girlfriend, I can´t wait anymore!

Well personally I can´t help you very well, everytime my IFF don´t work very well and ever I got in problems: girls with boyfriends, girls that love other guy, lesbian ones, etc.

But if you are sure that she is "free", go ahead man, just say that you like her, that was the recommendation to me of a girl that I like but had boyfriend frown.gif. Just be yourself, and be romantic (they like that).

Good luck! and watch your six (if you are wrong biggrin.gif)!




"All your base are belong to us", "Surrender for your own good"

- Kanon Siege Forces, 2001

Kanon´s Robotic Facility

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As I was walking home from CanLit class (still single, alas), I reflected on my current situation.


Canada has native writings? FASCINATING.


My plan to ask the Babe...my desire for subtlety and smoothness.


SUBTLETY IS FOR THE WEAK. Go in with guns (assuimg your airframe mounts more than one) blazing. Smoothness is not a concern, unless it is in the area of sentence structure. "You PRETTY me LIKE" is not a smooth sentence, and shoudl be avoided at all costs, unless she is incapable of understanding more complex sentences. I'll assume that she can.


I can't simply approach...event of shared interest. The "catalyst" need not be a date itself; if I can get the Target alone in a non-school environment, I am confident in my improvisational abilities. I know she'd enjoy the date, but I need some excuse to actually launch the operation.


rosie recently advised me otherwise. I said that I couldn't just walk up to a girl and tap her on the shoulder and say HELLO. She placed a wager with me (I'm wondering on the legalities of gambling on such a thing whence one party is in the US and the other in Ireland and the party in the US is not in the state of Maryland, New Jersey, Nevada, or on an Indian reservation) that I could not do such a thing. I DID. That was last friday. It appeared to have worked. Granted, I failed to talk to the female on monday, this thread is not about me. Also, do not refer to her as the Target. One could infer she is the target of an assassination or abduction plot.


My previous plan (the one that failed...beyond that point.


The plan failed because it relied on a variable out of your control. That is all I have to say on that.


The other problem is that my plan requires...her alone..."D-word"...without risking serious social damage to our friendship.


You must make haste on the intercept. AT ALL COSTS, YOU MUST INTERCEPT HER BEFORE ANY OTHER PERSONS ENGAGE HER. As long as you avoid the sentence DO YOU WANT TO GO OUT ON A DATE then avoiding the D-word should be easy, unless that somehow references "damn" and then I'm confused a great deal. "Social damage" is weak. THIS IS WAR! Collateral damage is acceptable. One must be willing to sacrifice certain things for a greater victory.



This last is proving to be the most difficult...frequently elsewhere (or has been thus far).


If her escorts are 'rarely present' or 'frequently elsewhere' then they should be inconsequential.


Today, a new factor...is not bright.


SIMILAR TO HAPPENINGS IN MY THEATER OF ACTION. A new threat was detected on Monday. My target appeared to know him and I viewed that as bad. Destroy him at once. Or something.


Well, he is...no intellectual match for the Babe.


Or myself for that matter biggrin.gif

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I don´t know my ratio, but I´m sure that the woman at the AA gun has a lot of kill marks of my self.

Is curious, first I get a friendly IFF (a sight or a smile), when I´m aproaching the signal change to unknow and she shot me with the best that her has.

I´m still waiting frown.gif



"All your base are belong to us", "Surrender for your own good"

- Kanon Siege Forces, 2001

Kanon´s Robotic Facility

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Since even I know better than to turn to Nute for romantic advice ( wink.gif ), I'll respond to Zoomie's post instead.


Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit:

When choosing a locale for courtship rituals, go for relaxing decor. Darkened lighting, warm, happy colors, romantic music. [. . .]


Regardless of how romantic the movie is, that one plot detail has much impact. Also, bear in mind that women tend to like movies that deal with thoughts and feelings more than action and intrigue. Save the Rambo movie for your third of fourth date, and go ahead and see the 'date' movie for your initial encounter...sitting through one or two of them is a minor investment of time.


All of this would be very helpful, if I was trying to woo a normal girl.


"Crisis-Girl" is anything but normal. If she was, I'd probably not be interested in the first place.


She hates maudlin sentimentality, and would much rather see something like Titus Andronicus or Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon than Romeo & Juliet or The Wedding Planner.


She's also a (shonen) animé freak. Her faves: Ninja Scroll and Princess Mononoke (I've yet to introduce her to Gundam Wing).


I'm the one that likes romance movies. biggrin.gif




Y'know, that should be our motto. wink.gif



"Don't f_ck with the Jedi Master, son." --Mark Hamill

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

Hey dont lisen to nute my advice is way better as i have a 100% kill rate (that surpised you didnt, it - go down to find out the ratio.



2 - yes i know ive only ever been out with 2 girls and one of those was only for 2 days so its really only 1, but they all said yes when i asked them so it cant be that bad biggrin.gif



"Getting Drunk is great you should try it sometime"


"I did once, I just cant remember if I enjoyed it or not"



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