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Hunting A Certain File

Max Outrider

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I got bored this weekend and decided to put the planets in the canonically correct place. Unfortunately, due to the size of the planets and the small galactic map, quite a number of the planets ended up right on top of each other. I scaled up the map to almost 3.5 times the size of the original so now all the planets are in the right place, but ran into a problem where the outer rim worlds were so far away from each other that you couldn't get anywhere. So I fixed this by adding in new worlds. I am now up to 138 planets in Galactic Conquest but have totally screwed up the GUI mini-map in the process. I never really used the minimap in the first place so don't care about it, but there are like 50 little planet dots shooting out into the main display and across the rest of the GUI.

I'm now looking for an XML file or something to either make the new huge map fit into the GUI mini-map or get rid of the GUI mini-map totally. Anyone know which file it is that has the way of eiditing the scale or removing it totally? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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when i did the planets for my mod i only expanded the size of the map maybe by 100%... and the planets fit just fine on the gui minimap.... you can also scale down the planets themselves, this does make it look less crowded but the fleet position spaces dont see to change... just my 2 cents


edit: on second thought, i went back and looked at the screens of my gc map, come to find out that the planets arent entirely contained on the minimap, so i see what you mean, not sure if theres anything you can do to fix that or not

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