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Thought Bomb Force Power

Hayden Kered

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It's not a complete mod since it's bit too overkill even for my taste, but I think this Power impact script should work roughly like you and the WIKI page described the force power, if compiled and applied to a force power in the game.


int ST_IsForceSensitive(object oTarget);
int ST_IsMysteriousSurvivor(object oTarget);

void main() {
   effect eWaves  = EffectVisualEffect(3018);
   effect eShake  = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_SCREEN_SHAKE);
   effect ePoof   = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_MIND_MASTERY);
   effect ePush   = EffectForcePushTargeted(GetLocation(OBJECT_SELF));
   effect eOhNo   = EffectCutSceneHorrified();
   effect eDrain;
   effect eOuch;

   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
       float fInc = IntToFloat(i);
       DelayCommand(0.0 + fInc, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eWaves, OBJECT_SELF));
       DelayCommand(0.4 + fInc, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eShake, OBJECT_SELF));
       DelayCommand(0.5 + fInc, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eWaves, OBJECT_SELF));

   object oVictim = GetFirstObjectInArea(GetArea(OBJECT_SELF));
   while (GetIsObjectValid(oVictim)) {
       if (!GetIsDead(oVictim) 
           && ST_IsForceSensitive(oVictim) 
           && !ST_IsMysteriousSurvivor(oVictim)
           && (GetCurrentHitPoints(oVictim) > 0))
           eOuch = EffectDamage((GetCurrentHitPoints(oVictim) / 10), DAMAGE_TYPE_DARK_SIDE);
           eDrain = EffectDamageForcePoints(GetMaxForcePoints(oVictim));

           SignalEvent(oVictim, EventSpellCastAt(OBJECT_SELF, GetSpellId(), TRUE));

           ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eOhNo, oVictim, 3.0);
           DelayCommand(0.5, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, ePoof, oVictim));
           DelayCommand(1.5, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eDrain, oVictim));
           DelayCommand(3.0, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, ePush, oVictim, 0.2));
           DelayCommand(4.0, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eOuch, oVictim));
       oVictim = GetNextObjectInArea(GetArea(OBJECT_SELF));

int ST_IsForceSensitive(object oTarget) {
   return ((GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_JEDIGUARDIAN, oTarget) 
       + GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_JEDICONSULAR, oTarget) 
       + GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_JEDISENTINEL, oTarget) 
       + GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_JEDIWEAPONMASTER, oTarget)
       + GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_JEDIMASTER, oTarget)
       + GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_JEDIWATCHMAN, oTarget)
       + GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_SITHMARAUDER, oTarget)
       + GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_SITHLORD, oTarget)
       + GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_SITHASSASSIN, oTarget)) > 0);  

int ST_IsMysteriousSurvivor(object oNPC) {
   return (GetName(oNPC) == "Darth Bane") || (GetName(oNPC) == "Zannah") || (GetName(oNPC) == "Darovit");

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It's not a complete mod since it's bit too overkill even for my taste, but I think this Power impact script should work roughly like you and the WIKI page described the force power, if compiled and applied to a force power in the game.


int ST_IsForceSensitive(object oTarget);
int ST_IsMysteriousSurvivor(object oTarget);

void main() {
   effect eWaves  = EffectVisualEffect(3018);
   effect eShake  = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_SCREEN_SHAKE);
   effect ePoof   = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_MIND_MASTERY);
   effect ePush   = EffectForcePushTargeted(GetLocation(OBJECT_SELF));
   effect eOhNo   = EffectCutSceneHorrified();
   effect eDrain;
   effect eOuch;

   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
       float fInc = IntToFloat(i);
       DelayCommand(0.0 + fInc, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eWaves, OBJECT_SELF));
       DelayCommand(0.4 + fInc, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eShake, OBJECT_SELF));
       DelayCommand(0.5 + fInc, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eWaves, OBJECT_SELF));

   object oVictim = GetFirstObjectInArea(GetArea(OBJECT_SELF));
   while (GetIsObjectValid(oVictim)) {
       if (!GetIsDead(oVictim) 
           && ST_IsForceSensitive(oVictim) 
           && !ST_IsMysteriousSurvivor(oVictim)
           && (GetCurrentHitPoints(oVictim) > 0))
           eOuch = EffectDamage((GetCurrentHitPoints(oVictim) / 10), DAMAGE_TYPE_DARK_SIDE);
           eDrain = EffectDamageForcePoints(GetMaxForcePoints(oVictim));

           SignalEvent(oVictim, EventSpellCastAt(OBJECT_SELF, GetSpellId(), TRUE));

           ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eOhNo, oVictim, 3.0);
           DelayCommand(0.5, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, ePoof, oVictim));
           DelayCommand(1.5, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eDrain, oVictim));
           DelayCommand(3.0, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, ePush, oVictim, 0.2));
           DelayCommand(4.0, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eOuch, oVictim));
       oVictim = GetNextObjectInArea(GetArea(OBJECT_SELF));

int ST_IsForceSensitive(object oTarget) {
   return ((GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_JEDIGUARDIAN, oTarget) 
       + GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_JEDICONSULAR, oTarget) 
       + GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_JEDISENTINEL, oTarget) 
       + GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_JEDIWEAPONMASTER, oTarget)
       + GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_JEDIMASTER, oTarget)
       + GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_JEDIWATCHMAN, oTarget)
       + GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_SITHMARAUDER, oTarget)
       + GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_SITHLORD, oTarget)
       + GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_SITHASSASSIN, oTarget)) > 0);  

int ST_IsMysteriousSurvivor(object oNPC) {
   return (GetName(oNPC) == "Darth Bane") || (GetName(oNPC) == "Zannah") || (GetName(oNPC) == "Darovit");



Sorry, I'm clueless to this stuff.

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I think you will need to reed this thread



Edit: Stoffe -mkb-, I think function "ST_IsMysteriousSurvivor" is not very good. I think your Force power shouldn't kill all friendly creature or if you don't want to work a lot all NPC. Other way power is very bad I think. Without NPC's you will not be able to play game normally. Really change that parameter.

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Edit: Stoffe -mkb-, I think function "ST_IsMysteriousSurvivor" is not very good. I think your Force power shouldn't kill all friendly creature or if you don't want to work a lot all NPC. Other way power is very bad I think. Without NPC's you will not be able to play game normally. Really change that parameter.


No, that was quite intentional, from the descriptions of the power in the Wiki and what the topic starter said he wanted. :)


According to the Wiki description, the only past known user of said power killed both himself and all his allies in the process, and only those three listed did survive, so I made the power work accordingly. (Except it doesn't kill like the Wiki said, it just zaps down to 10% health and drains all force points like the topic starter requested. And it only works in the current area, not the whole planet.)


Quite game-breaking overkill as I said, so I'll leave it to someone else to make the necessary 2DA edits to make the script into a power that can be used in-game. :)

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Just wanted to add some more info to this matter. In the artical about the Thought Bomb it states that it destroyed all force sensitive beings. It also only destroyed in a certain radius and not the whole planet. The area that was destroyed is now known as The Valley of The Jedi.


"It has been theorized that Bane, during his meditation, discovered the ability to minimize his prescence in the Force" This is how some believe Bane survived. As for the other 2, I don't think it is known how Zannah survived. And Darovit has been speculated on rather or not he was force sensitive, thus would explain his survival. Some thought Darovit as a rare individual who could use a lightsaber.


I thought that this info might be helpful!


Also for my knowledge, I thought it was impossible to kill off party memebers?

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Most of the force powers affect only hostile creatures, but I think Stoffe made it to kill all neutral creatures too. Party member killing is impossible, I think. But you really don't want to kill them - rename them to Darth Bane and other. I will look on a spells file. One question: have you any force power mod installed? And is it for KII or KI. If you have spells.2da file in you override folder say it to me I will send you private message then.

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Most of the force powers affect only hostile creatures, but I think Stoffe made it to kill all neutral creatures too. Party member killing is impossible, I think. But you really don't want to kill them - rename them to Darth Bane and other. I will look on a spells file. One question: have you any force power mod installed? And is it for KII or KI. If you have spells.2da file in you override folder say it to me I will send you private message then.


I only have Force choke any one installed. I do not have excel to view 2da files. So I do not know how I could tell you what is written on it.

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Kotor tool does not work on my system anymore. I downloaded it, installed it, and used it once. After that it stopped working. Every time I click on it I get a pop up that says "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Click on OK to terminate the application." When I click on it's shortcut it starts up the install wizard. I have uninstalled it and reinstalled it but I get the same thing.

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"The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Click on OK to terminate the application.


This usually means you don't have the correct version (v1.1 in KotorTool's case) of the Microsoft .NET Framework installed on your computer. Or if you do, it's not properly installed. KotorTool is developed in .NET so you'll need the framework on your computer to run it.


If you just want to look at the content of a 2DA file there's a simply utility that converts 2DAs to tab-separated text files linked to in my signature. If you want to edit 2DA's though I'd suggest getting KotorTool to work since it's much easier using its 2DA editor than manually messing with text and converting back and forth.

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This usually means you don't have the correct version (v1.1 in KotorTool's case) of the Microsoft .NET Framework installed on your computer. Or if you do, it's not properly installed. KotorTool is developed in .NET so you'll need the framework on your computer to run it.


That's my problem, I forgot all about that! Thanks stoffe, I'm going to download the Framework right now.

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Ok, Lord Darth Bane, send me a private message with your e-mail. I have completely made Thought Bomb Force Power mod. I will send it you. You needn't to say what you have in your spells.2da file. I have made my mod with Stoffe's mod installer. It will not affect force powers you already have. I have got description from your page (I have made it smaller). Visuals are good. It has icon. Required level for it - 4. So, just send me your e-mail and enjoy.

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That's my problem, I forgot all about that! Thanks stoffe, I'm going to download the Framework right now.


Since I had some time to spare and since I already did half of it I figured I could make the rest as well. I made it into a force power that you can get here if you want it.


Found a bug in the script that prevented it from draining health properly that I fixed, and made it a bit less game-breaking so it's only affects hostile and friendly NPCs (and won't make friendlies retaliate and attack you), not all the non-combat characters in the game.


(If you have a modified spells.2da, make sure it's directly in the override folder and not in a sub-folder since the installer will need to modify it. Also, make sure you don't have any modding tools running when you run the installer since it needs to add the name and description of the power to the dialog.tlk file, which might fail if some other tool already has that file open.)


EDIT: Oops, seems like someone else has already done it simultaneously. Funny how things end up some time. :) I'll leave this post up anyway in case someone else wants it since no link was posted to the other mod.

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Well stoffe, the mod was great! One problem(but I'm not sure if it was just a glitch or if it was the new force power) when I first tried it I was playing in Freedon's temple on Dxun. The large doors that lead into the sith ritual, just left of that door is a hallway to one of the control units for those doors. Well when I got to the corner part, which is half way, I used the thought bomb to try it out. When I did I ended up standing in front of that big door and Bao Dur was telling me about it. Not sure why it did that!

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