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Repair Space Units?


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You know what would be really cool? If there was a way to repair space units...


I've been looking around, but I can't find anything anywhere. It should be posible, right, since ground units can heal? Maybe if someone could make a new option for the space build platforms called "repair station" like there is for ground battles or maybe a part of the Space station or...


P.S. I just started modding EaW. I've worked a little with XMLs before, but I think this is going to be a little too complex for me. I guess what I'm really looking for is a link to what someone has already done or someone to say "no it's really easy; do it like this" or to say "cool" and do it and post a link to dl it from.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, I wouldn't mind having the info on adding it independant myself.


BTW, GeneralMikeIII, your location is missing a few details. It's North-West Hemisphere, Earth, El Sol Solar System, Milky Way :D :wink:

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Ok here it goes. I'll assume you know how to extract files from the config.meg file and you have the DAT editor.


First open the Spaceunitcorvettes.xml file and add this entire entry:


<SpaceUnit Name="Repair_Corvette">
	<Encyclopedia_Good_Against> TIE_Fighter </Encyclopedia_Good_Against>
	<Encyclopedia_Vulnerable_To> TIE_Bomber Victory_Destroyer Acclamator_Assault_Ship </Encyclopedia_Vulnerable_To>
	<GUI_Row> 1 </GUI_Row>
	<No_Colorization_Color> 255, 255, 255, 255 </No_Colorization_Color>

	<Max_Speed>2.4</Max_Speed> <!-- Was 3.25 -->
	<Max_Rate_Of_Turn>1.5</Max_Rate_Of_Turn> <!-- was 1.50 -->
	<MovementClass> Space </MovementClass>
	<Space_Layer> Corvette </Space_Layer>
	<OverrideAcceleration> .05 </OverrideAcceleration>
	<OverrideDeceleration> .05 </OverrideDeceleration>

	<Armor_Type> Armor_Corellian_Corvette </Armor_Type>

	<Death_Clone>Damage_Normal, Repair_Corvette_Death_Clone</Death_Clone>

	<Required_Special_Structures />
	<Required_Planets />
	<!-- <Build_Cost_Credits>1500</Build_Cost_Credits> -->

	<CategoryMask> Corvette | AntiFighter | AntiBomber </CategoryMask>

	<CategoryMask> Corvette | AntiFighter | AntiBomber </CategoryMask>	
	<GUI_Offset>0 0 0</GUI_Offset>

	<SFXEvent_Move_Into_Nebula> Unit_Nebula_Corvette </SFXEvent_Move_Into_Nebula>

	<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_WEAPON_LASER, Unit_HP_LASER_Corvette </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>
	<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_WEAPON_MISSILE, Unit_HP_MISSILE_Corvette </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>
	<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_WEAPON_TORPEDO, Unit_HP_TORP_Corvette </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>
	<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_WEAPON_ION_CANNON, Unit_HP_ION_Corvette </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>
	<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_SHIELD_GENERATOR, Unit_HP_SHIELDS_Corvette </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>
	<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_ENGINE, Unit_HP_ENGINES_Corvette </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>
	<SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint> HARD_POINT_GRAVITY_WELL, Unit_HP_GRAV_Corvette </SFXEvent_Attack_Hardpoint>

	<SFXEvent_Engine_Idle_Loop> Unit_Corvette_Idle_Engine_Loop </SFXEvent_Engine_Idle_Loop>
	<SFXEvent_Engine_Moving_Loop> Unit_Corvette_Moving_Engine_Loop </SFXEvent_Engine_Moving_Loop>
	<SFXEvent_Engine_Cinematic_Focus_Loop> Unit_Corvette_Cinematic_Engine_Loop </SFXEvent_Engine_Cinematic_Focus_Loop>



	<MovementClass> Space </MovementClass>
	<Space_Full_Stop_Command> Yes </Space_Full_Stop_Command>

		HP_Repair_Corvette_01, HP_Repair_Corvette_02

	<!-- Non-Hero unit abilities description -->
	<Unit_Abilities_Data SubObjectList="Yes">
		<!-- Primary ability -->

			<Mod_Multiplier>WEAPON_DELAY_MULTIPLIER,	3.0f</Mod_Multiplier>
			<Mod_Multiplier>SHIELD_REGEN_MULTIPLIER,	0.0f</Mod_Multiplier>
			<Mod_Multiplier>ENERGY_REGEN_MULTIPLIER,	1.0f</Mod_Multiplier>
			<Mod_Multiplier>SPEED_MULTIPLIER,		2.0f</Mod_Multiplier>

			<SFXEvent_GUI_Unit_Ability_Deactivated />


	<Abilities SubObjectList="Yes">
		<Force_Healing_Ability Name="Repair_Facility_Healing">
			<Applicable_Unit_Categories>Fighter, Bomber, Transport, Corvette, Frigate, Capital</Applicable_Unit_Categories>
			<Applicable_Unit_Types>Home_One, Millennium_Falcon, Moldy_Crow, TIE_Prototype, Escort_TIE_Advanced, StarViper, Slave_I, Sundered_Heart</Applicable_Unit_Types>
			<Target_Light_Effect_Color>1.2, 1.2, 2.0</Target_Light_Effect_Color>
			<Target_Light_Effect_Color2 />
			<Owner_Light_Effect_Color>1.2, 0.1, 2.0</Owner_Light_Effect_Color>
			<Owner_Light_Effect_Color2 />

	<Score_Cost_Credits> 2500 </Score_Cost_Credits>

	<Tactical_Build_Prerequisites />
<SpaceUnit Name="Repair_Corvette_Death_Clone">

<UniqueUnit Name="E_Repair_Corvette">
	<Required_Planets />


<UniqueUnit Name="R_Repair_Corvette">
	<Required_Planets />



Ok now you need to open Hardpoints.xml and add this entry:


<!-- Hard points for the Repair Corvette -->

<!-- left turret bottom gun -->

   <HardPoint Name="HP_Repair_Corvette_01">


		<Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Fighter, 1.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
		<Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Bomber, 1.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
		<Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Transport, 1.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
		<Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Corvette, 15.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
		<Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Frigate, 70.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
		<Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Capital, 30.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
		<Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Super, 30.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>


<!-- left turret top gun -->

   <HardPoint Name="HP_Repair_Corvette_02">

		<Damage_Type> Damage_Corellian_Corvette </Damage_Type>

		<Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Fighter, 1.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
		<Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Bomber, 1.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
		<Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Transport, 1.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
		<Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Corvette, 15.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
		<Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Frigate, 70.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
		<Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Capital, 30.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>
		<Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance> Super, 30.0 </Fire_Inaccuracy_Distance>




Ok, finally use the DAT editor to add these lines to the MasterTextFile

_ENGLISH.DAT located here: C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Empire at War\GameData\Data\Text





Save the Dat file. Put the extracted and edited XML files here:C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Empire at War\GameData\Data\XML


Finally, for use in skirmish you'll need to add "R_Repair_ Corvette," no quotes to the build list in the Starbases.xml. Here is a copy of the first "SKIRMISH" starbase and the list of units you can build at level 1. You just need to add it to all 5 starbases.



<!-- Rebel Skirmish Starbases -->
<StarBase Name="Skirmish_Rebel_Star_Base_1">

	<!-- Replacement List of Hardpoints -->
		HP_Rebel_Station_One_Supply_Dock, HP_Rebel_Station_One_Comm_Array, HP_Rebel_Station_One_CCM, HP_Rebel_Station_One_LC, HP_Rebel_Station_One_TBL, HP_Rebel_Station_One_ShieldGen, HP_Rebel_Station_One_Fighter_Bay


	<!-- Tactical Production Options -->
	<Reinforcement_Prevention_Radius> 2000 </Reinforcement_Prevention_Radius>

	<!-- Data to prevent this from being buildable in galactic mode -->

	<!-- Base upgrade sequence -->
	<Prev_Level_Base />

	<!-- Special Abilities unique to Skirmish mode -->
	<Abilities SubObjectList="Yes">
		<Income_Stream_Ability Name="R_Starbase_Income_Stream">
		<Income_Stream_Mod_Ability Name="R_Supply_Dock_Income_Bonus">
			<Initially_Enabled>No</Initially_Enabled>			<!-- This bonus income is controlled by the presence of the Supply Dock hardpoint -->
			<Enable_Radar_Ability Name="R_Comm_Array_Enable_Radar">
			<Initially_Enabled>No</Initially_Enabled>			<!-- This effect is controlled by the presence of the Comm Array hardpoint -->

	<Last_State_Visible_Under_FOW> True </Last_State_Visible_Under_FOW>


Any questions? I just love XML modding, it sure beats the hell out of the old days of hex only editing.

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It's cool for a mod and everything, but I'd just to point out that according to realistic star wars canon, you shouldn't be able to fix ships up on the battlefield. After a big ship like a Star Destroyer is ravaged in battle, refits and repairs can take months. In fact, if the ship is thrashed badly enough, it's often just scrapped because repairs would cost more than a brand new ship.


That said, I see why people want it. Best of luck.

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It's a game. If it were realistic, the Empire campaign would last a grand total of two seconds, what with them having superior... everything. ;) But, it doesn't seem unrealistic if damaged hardpoints can be repaired.


It would last two seconds? I don't really see how you plot that course. In actual Star Wars, the Empire had twenty five thousand Star Destroyers, and the Rebellion could barely scrape together a few cruisers, and the Galactic Civil War raged for years with the Rebellion winning.


Even only repairing a hardpoint, say a destroyed turbolaser battery, the process of mounting and calibrating the turbolaser batteries would take several hours at least.

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Ok, guys if you guys remember my Force Powers mod from KOTOR then you know I am not a "strict" cannonite when it comes to our gaming enjoyment. I don't play Star Wars or any games to "relive" the exact moments etc. rather I create my own little experience, most people do too.


Having said that, the unit itself is as balanced as you make it in terms of amount of repairs and the radius in which they are performed. It cannot repair any hardpoint that has been destroyed only repair the ones still alive.

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I'm sorry, I didn't mean to convey that the mod lacked fun or wasn't skillfully implemented, I was just pointing that out.


Sorry to be a raincloud :)


No worries.


I decided to have 1 per capital ship spawn with the fighters and bombers, no respawns. WOW, it has really changed the tatical aspect of the space battes. The AI is "super" smart with these little suckers. They tend to use them "very" effectively as they make their attacks.


Actually, I was quite shocked to see how well the AI uses this unit. It has forced me to rethink how I do my tatical space battles. Needless to say I send a few bombers after these buggers whenever I see them.


I'm just thankful they decided to use XML, so putting in stuff is a breeze.

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I was thinking about this since I found that little repair vehicle and now that I have more seat time I am considering a change that is more realistic.


Right now that little ship kind of allows you to set up a strike force with totally mobile repiar, which is a bit over the top in game. I am considering removing it and giving the carriers the repair bays they have in the movies. I want to also limit the repiar effect to fighters and bombers only.


Well, I'm off to do a little modding cya.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think a repair hardpoint is a better idea, too. Maybe you could add a repair station hardpoint onto space stations, so the defender could repair their bigger ships, giving the defender a little bit more of an advantage. I think that would work. Having the repair corvette was an excellent idea, but a little too powerful.

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I have been working on a realism mod and thats one of the things I included. Space stations now have the ability to heal ships that get close enough, which basically is supposed to represent the fact that these stations would function as repair stations. Unfortunately I lack the knowledge to make it so hardpoints can be repaired. I made it a general ability and not slaved to any hardpoint.

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