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Well here is it one...

Guest SadShadow

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Guest SadShadow

well here is one of my work smile.gif i hope i done a good job translating hope you like it


Silence, Lonely, Tear and Sadness



The silence is around your room

the silence is around your soul

the silence dont allow you to speak

because it flows in your heart.



You feel your lonely by your side

it tells you to be alone

you feel the lonely in your soul

because it flows in your heart



You feel tears in your face

you feel the cooldness that they leave in your chest

you feel tears in your soul

because drowns in your heart



"You feel sadness seeing that the lonely is your partner, you feel sadness when you want to express yourself and being in silence, you feel sadness seeing how the tears begins to flows trought your eyes...


¿Why dont you clean your tears, why you dont abandone your lonely, why you dont break the silence and say i love you...?


And here is the original



Silencio, Soledad, Lágrima y Tristeza.



El silencio ronda tu habitación,

el silencio ronda tu alma

el silencio no te da palabras

por que inunda tu corazon.



Sientes la soledad a tu lado

te aconseja que estes solo

Sientes la soledad en tu alma

por que inunda tu corazon



Sientes las lágrimas en tu rostro

sientes la frialdad que dejan al caer en tu pecho

sientes lágrimas en tu alma

por que inundan tu corazon



"Sientes tristeza al ver que la soledad es tu compañera, sientes tristeza al querer expresarte y quedarte en silencio, sientes tristeza al ver las lagrimas salir de tus ojos...


¿Por que no limpias tus lágrimas, por que no abandonas tu soledad, por que no rompes el silencio y dices te amo?"



¿Can you see that Shadow in the Tower?


Yes...im watching over you... temp.gif






[This message has been edited by SadShadow (edited October 20, 2001).]

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My God! I could actually understand it in Spanish! I must be learning something in Espanol 4!



"Here, people don't lock their doors, they deadbolt them, and then stick a chair under the knob."


Rogue 6

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