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A Bit of Poetry

Rogue Nine

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I composed this a little while back. I don't have a title for it, so suggestions are welcome. Tis for someone very special to me.



On that day, I was lost,

Drowning in my sea of sadness.

I’m so glad our paths were crossed,

Because you took away my madness.


Caught up in my own dealings,

I failed to see, failed to mind,

Your true feelings,

Why you were so good, so kind.


Whenever I shed a tear,

You were always there for me.

Yet your love did not become clear,

Because I could not see.


So many clues, so many hints I missed,

Because I was not free.

But from the moment we first kissed,

I knew we were meant to be.


Now love began anew,

It was given a fresh start.

I know this to be true,

Because I gave you my heart.


Whenever I see your face,

That vision of beauty and loveliness,

My heart quickens its pace,

And all my troubles regress.


When you’re not here

I am lonely and unsure.

But when you are near,

I feel safe and secure.


Love left its indelible seal,

So true was Cupid’s dart.

I know this to be real,

For you have my heart.

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