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Interim Video Scenes Problems - help needed pls

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Hi everybody,


In the video scenes between the flight of the different planets where you have to shoot the Sith-fighters the video scene is so dark that I cannot see the fighters at all. I put the graphic lighter in the graphic option but that has no effect on the video scenes. Have you a solution for it? I had the same problem in Kotor II.



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What's your vid card? Sounds like an ATI. For some reason, the little computer gremlins in the KotOR series aren't fond of ATI cards.


I had the same trouble, and I found I had to manually set the gamma lighter just about every time I booted the game up. There must be more threads on this...check around. But that's how I handled it--reset the gamma manually.

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FYI: I am utterly clueless about computers. I set the gamma in the graphics menu, anything beyond that, really you need to ask the programmers and modders around here. Check in the technical forums. There's gotta be threads dedicated to this problem in there.

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