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Legit Lightsaber/Blaster Immune character Build


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On my latest playthrough I wanted to try to make a character that was immune or nearly immune to lightsaber or blaster attacks. Besides, its a hoot to watch vrook wail away on you as you simply laugh. I also realize that some of the items are not guaranteed but with re-rolling vendors (save/reload before talking to them the first time) and workbench skill you can eventually get what you need.


Basics: this is a combat class that uses force powers in a minimal fashion and plays "whack-a-rat" with his/her foes so guardian+Marauder/Weapon Master is the best option. Take dex to 10 or 12 (at the most) and never raise it. Dump all you can afford into Str and get con to 14-16. Get wis/cha out of negatives but that is about it. Get repair as you'll need it to break down stuff so you can make needed upgrades. Treat injury helps if you are DS. Everything else is optional/personal taste.


Lightsaber: Either a double blade or two single's. We need two weapon fighting to get attacks per round without any of the speed powers. Later, when you get Juyo lightsaber stance never switch it out. You can go bigtime critical striker (since its -5 def doesn't really hurt us anyhow) or flurry for the extra attack per round. Flurry is probably the better option if you go double bladed and CS if you go 2x single's but either will work. CS builds just need some slightly different upgrades and playstyle.


First off...we are wearing armor; medium or heavy, so we can use the best underlays/overlays. This is critical as we need them to survive. Ideally, we want something like the Mugafka (heavy), Matrix Armor (heavy) or Electromesh (medium) that has inherent -5 or -10 flat bonus to energy resistance. My personal favorite is the Mugafka for its slashing/bludgeoning resists as well but again, hard to find sometimes. Defense number is less important, resists are what we are after.


We then upgrade this armor with Ablative 4 overlay (-30%, -5 flat resist) and Armorweave 5 underlay (-30%, attribute dmg immunity).


Next we want (and this is a biggie) the absorbtion visor for headgear. Nothing else comes close. Gives you a +1 defense, 15% immunity to electrical and energy, 75% resistance to Ion damage, and 90% resistance to sonic. If you can't find it, use your best judgement for combat related class and the goal of energy damage reduction. Enhanced Shielding visor is a poor man's Absorbtion Visor. If you want to completely abandon force powers and persuade options the Force Shield helm isn't bad if you are getting owned by dark force users.


The best gloves are the Nagai combat gloves since they boost all saves by 2 and give a -5 flat energy resistance. Failing these, the best STR boosting gloves you can find.


Belt: Immortality belt is best but tough to get with its -10 melee and energy reductions (and a -2 to hit), Immunity belt is the same thing but with -5's and -1 to hit. The other alternative is the electro capacitance belt for 75% immunity to electrical. I'd only use this for times when you will see dark lighting but it combined with the visor makes you 95% immune to dark lightning. If you can't find the above, something that boosts strength/helps saves always helps in this build.


Implant: lornan (can make it at a lab station) gives 5% electrical/energy immunity or slightly better...durability implant for +1 con, -5 flat resist energy/electrical.


Powers...only one that is an absolute must is master energy resistance for its -20 to everything non melee. Fill out the rest with anything not restricted by armor. You will not have bigtime success on offensive/resistable stuff due to low cha/wis and combat character class so I'd recommend mostly buffs. Master force barrier isn't bad either for taking the edge off melee attacks. The heal/cure line is good but expensive if you are DS.


Totals: (best case scenario)

*Energy Immunity: 30% (underlay) + 30% (overlay) + 15% (visor) = 75% or 80% if you did the lornan implant (+5%).

*Energy Resistance: -20 (master energy resistance) + -5 (nagai gloves) + -5 overlay + -5 armor (matrix/mugafka/electromesh) + -10 (immortality belt) + -5 durability implant

Thus we have a 75% immunity with a flat -50 resistance. On any hit up to 125 PER HIT which is near the upper limits of what is possible we would take the following damage. NOTE: the game seems to calculate damage by taking the flat resistance out first then applying immunity. If it did it the other way around you would be TOTALLY immune with less but testing seems to indicate it takes out flat numbers first then applies immunity.

So on a 125 hit: 125 - 50 = 75 * .25 = 19 damage. Using that same formula here is a damage table.


Dmg. Dmg Taken

175 31

150 25

125 19

100 13

75 6

50 0


As you can see, the per hit damage for most any hit you are likely to take is quite low and anything 50 or below is negated completely. Since you tend to take alot of smaller hits at less damage versus a couple of BIG hits you are practically immune. So that settles things for energy damage, what about the other kinds?


Ion: absorbtion visor = 75% immune with a -20 from master energy resistance.


Sonic: absorbtion visor = 90% immune with a -20 from master energy resistance


Poison: there is a universal force power learned that takes care of that so w/o spoilers let's just say its taken care of.


Electrical: you can use the electro capacitance belt (and lose only -5 to -10) from above if you find dark lighting is huring too bad and become immune via visor+belt+master energy resistance. Use only if you are getting slaughtered by dark jedi lightning. (not likely)


Slash/Bludgeoning/Piercing (Melee): not too much to help us here. Master force barrier reduces a flat -15. Mugafka does a flat -10. If you have the immortality belt you get another flat -10. You could swap out a numbness implant for a further -5 at the cost of the lornan/durability. Total -35 to -40 flat. There are also the dmg resistances of Sith Fury/Weapon Master damage reduction. Just take out melee threats first and you should be fine. The most dangerous enemies use lightsabers or blasters it seems.


You can still be hurt by some force powers but chances are slim and you can always swap implants for something that makes you immune to most of it. I never had any problems but worth mentioning...


*Throughout most of the game you CAN be really cheap and use kreia to cast armor restricted buffs on you so you can have master speed in full armor but that always seemed kind of cheap to me and you never know...what would you do if she were not around??? *cough* spoiler avoidance...*cough*


* Some people (and you know who you are) like using a couple of exploits to get to or near the level cap of 50. As you get up that high in level defense becomes irrelevant and the ability to "tank" hits is paramount. As such, this build REALLY shines at higher levels where a high defense class character (say...a high dex/high wis male character with battle precognition) gets shredded.


* Yes, this build is item dependent and early on you can do just fine using the best medium/heavy armor you find and whatever you can afford to make. The defense bonus early on will keep you safe though most encounters. By the time you will start needing the big resists you should be able to make most of it on the lab/workbench. This build is very strong/doable from Peragus on...


* Tip: never change BaoDur to a jedi, keep him as your skills mule. Raise his intelligence and give him class skill feats. Don't take him into combat if you can help it and load him up with all the +skills stuff you come across. If you have a repair skill of 20 (to get the components he'll need) he'll be able to craft all the lovely items you want.


* Party: ranged is good since you are THE tank. Having a consular/force power user is good. You are so tough though that you can pretty much solo if you'd like. Given the size and "fetch quest" nature of some areas I prefer to take one speed enhanced jedi along so we can quickly run from place to place.


*Party Equipment: if you are super rich with components, cash, and items you can try to equip another party member similar to yourself but its just not worth it. You could theoretically use this setup to make bao dur surviveable since he can't wear robes and has crappy defense. Then let him thump folks with that arm of his and play with his lovely skills.... Since you will be the frontline tank you really don't need a second. The components are better spend on giving HK/Atton/Mira the best ranged weaponry possible. A good blaster pistol w' upgrades can practically match a lightsaber in damage stats now...



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It has been my experience that if you have two upgrades that give energy resistance on the same armor, they don't stack. Only the highest applies.


Remember you also get 15% resist from your damage reduction feats, and 10% form improved toughness, so you can switch out some gear.


Finally, armored jedi should choose the Sith Marauder class, since you still get your extra attacks from master fury.

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Ran the character (level 15 guardian/12 sith marauder) through the ravanger, malachor, and the last fight w' kavar for testing purposes and let people shoot/whack her w' lightsabers/blasters.... Resists seem to stack. Either it stacks or takes 30% out twice/individually. (ex: 100-30%=70, 70-30%=49, etc) You CAN use overlays and underlays that do the same thing if it is medium/heavy armor. All the robes and light armor will not support the high end overlays. (but do support some underlays w' little rhyme or reason) Otherwise I'd say put a 30% underlay on a Norris robe...but sadly it wont work.


They literally could not damage her. In fact, the amount of reduction might of been overkill so you could probably switch something out (gloves or implant would be where I'd start).


You are quite right on the sith marauder class fury bonus...good stuff.

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Ran the character (level 15 guardian/12 sith marauder) through the ravanger, malachor, and the last fight w' kavar for testing purposes and let people shoot/whack her w' lightsabers/blasters.... Resists seem to stack. Either it stacks or takes 30% out twice/individually. (ex: 100-30%=70, 70-30%=49, etc) You CAN use overlays and underlays that do the same thing if it is medium/heavy armor. All the robes and light armor will not support the high end overlays. (but do support some underlays w' little rhyme or reason) Otherwise I'd say put a 30% underlay on a Norris robe...but sadly it wont work.


They literally could not damage her. In fact, the amount of reduction might of been overkill so you could probably switch something out (gloves or implant would be where I'd start).


You are quite right on the sith marauder class fury bonus...good stuff.



Interesting. I tested this. Resists from ablative overlay and armorweave underlay do stack. Resists from armorweave and energy shielding don't stack. Nice find :) The -1 penalty to dex is a bummer though.


On the PC version, master fury works as advertised. It does not stack with master speed.

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