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Can you extend npc-files and vechicles


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Hey got a problem here , I got a nice vehicle pack(about 6 extra vec.) but when I want to test them in a map JKA tells the file is to large and he tells me this to when I try to spawn certain NPCs . Is there a way to go around this or make JKA accept more vechicles and NPCs ?

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I had this too... Then I deleted some stuff from my base folder and it worked...


Either way, first put a different npc in every .npc file, not 6 in one file. If that doesn't work, blame something in your base folder that's @#$%ing it up.

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No I mean put every vehicle's NPC in a seperate .npc file.


If you open the kyle.npc file using notepad or whatever you use for your npcs (can be that very useful NPCTool too), you'll notice that in kyle.npc there is kyle, and kyle_boss. In your case, you would put kyle_boss in it's own file, so now you have kyle.npc and kyle_boss.npc


Hope this all made sense to you, cuz I had trouble explaining it. Hope you can get it to work.

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Ok I'll try to understand what you just said EvilJedi , I'll go search and look into some of these NPC files ( I've got that NPC program:)


I'll give a shout when its still doesn't go my way ... be warned jedi academy my way or the hyperspace highway :edeaths:

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