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since i'm a greenhorn here, be patient. whilst moding games is nothing new to me, i have never do it with :sith lords and so i ask - its it possible to add quests and missions to the game such as the deleted or ommitted content?



"Deleted Content

There has been some controversy regarding the game's third act, or "endgame". LucasArts pressured developer Obsidian to finish the game for a 2004 holiday release, leading many to speculate that the development had been rushed. The game contains a sizable number of bugs, which occasionally cripple gameplay. Also, some of the content from the game proper appears to be missing, though much of it can be found inside the game files.


While some gamers are quick to dismiss late-game plot holes on the rushed ending, many of them are beginning to discover that many of the "plot holes" are explained in sizable detail, if the player is willing to spend the time to accomplishing this task. For example, each party member has considerable backstory and plot revelation, which is only heard in-game if the party member likes the player character. Since many actions cause the gain or loss of influence with party members, it is not uncommon to find that a critic has never gotten acceptable influences with certain party members. The originally planned ending would have provided in-game fates - and in many cases, deaths - for all of the characters who travel with the main player character. In-game, the game ends with a Force User revealing the party member's futures. By explaining their futures, instead of showing the events leading up to the finale, it leaves just what happened to the designers of KOTOR III.


In a gesture to the fans, Obsidian Entertainment provided the PC version of the game with many resources meant to be used for the original ending, such as screen plays, voice-acting, and even another planet. Pressure from LucasArts to release the game in time for the Christmas season may have forced Obsidian to abbreviate the ending and cut an entire planet (and corresponding missions) from the game.


Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Specific cut content included:


The Genoharadan organization on Nar Shaddaa, and its leader Dessicus, were supposed to be found on the second level of the Jekk'Jekk Tarr. Its purpose was to hunt down the player character.

Another companion of the player, Dvakvar Grahrk, who was a Devaronian Jedi found on Korriban. He was replaced by the Disciple, who shared a similar background story.

The character of Kaevee was supposed to be found in the ruined Jedi Enclave in Dantooine. She was a young Jedi who survived the destruction of the enclave, and was responsible for the laigreks fighting salvagers.

The droid inhabited planet of M4-78, in which the player is alerted to the presence of G0-T0, the Mass shadow generator, and the HK droid factory, was completely absent. References to the planet still exist in-game, though many of the plots and quests were moved to other planets:

The Jedi Master Lonna Vash and her apprentice Kaah Ohtok were supposed to be found on M4-78 instead of Korriban, with corresponding quests.

The HK Manufacturing Plant below the Telos Military Base, ran by G0-T0 to produce HK-series assassin droids. HK-47 was supposed to infiltrate the factory at the end and help the HK-series droids to rebel against G0-T0.

A confrontation between Bao-Dur's remote and G0-T0 at Malachor V, in which HK-47 and the reprogrammed HK-series droids would show up and turn against their former master, was removed.

The player was originally to be "killed" by Kreia on Dantooine after the Jedi trials, with Kreia taking off to Telos on the Ebon Hawk without him/her. The player was supposed to find an alternate form of transport to Telos.

A confrontation between Darth Nihilus and Darth Sion over the fate of the player and Kreia was removed.

The player's love interest (Atton Rand/Handmaiden) were supposed to duel rivals (Disciple/Visas Marr) if Dark-Sided and had low influence with the Exile.

An ending for Bao-Dur was removed in which Bao-Dur sacrificed himself. Though it may be speculated that he was killed on M4-78, cut dialoge from Grenn when arriving on Citadel Station during the Sith attack says otherwise.

More NPC abilities, such as Bao-Dur upgrading droids, HK-47 ranged weapon training, Visas teaching Lightsaber forms, Kreia teaching Force abilities, and Disciple studying Holocrons, were not developed."



i'm not asking anyone to do this, they can if they wish, i'm just wondering if it can be done and if so - how would somebody do it? if anyone has suggestions or a tutorial on how to add these chapters to the game i would be very greatful


if someone has already mentioned this or is working on it, sorry for repeating the topic then

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