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prestige padawans


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My idea is to allow npc's that can be trained as jedi, to become jedi prestige classes _after_ he/she gained enough level ups as base class jedi.


There is a mod (Prestige Padawans v1.2) that allows to convert npc to jedi prestige class once he/she is converted. but the problem is that there are some critical special bonuses that are given only to basic jedi class. For example "Lightsaber proficiency" - ability to use lightsaber.



I'm suggesting that somehow npc that became a jedi, gets prestige class after some level up as basic jedi class.

This can be done automatically, for example when npc gains 10 levels of basic jedi.

This can be done through dialogs, similar to those when PC becomes prestige class. Let's say with enough influence (positive or negative), higher than required to make npc a jedi, you see additional dialogue lines. There even can be additional Persuade/Force persuade/Awareness/Wisdom/etc checks. All at creator's choice. There can be additional dialogue choices for what prestige class to choose for npc.

Dialogue can be like this:

PC to Atton: 1. I think you are ready to receive additional training

Atton: [influence-success] Yes master, what do you want to show me?


1. [Persuade] Being a Sith Marauder is your destiny

2. [Awareness] You are ready to become a Sith assassin

3. [Wisdom] Know the force as Sith Lord

(player choose 1)

Atton: [Persuade-success]: As you say, master. what should I do?

PC: 1. close your eyes and ...

[Atton has taken first steps as a Sith Marauder...]

Level up for Atton, if not enough expirience (same as for PC).


Maybe the author of "Prestige Padawans v1.2", SuperSquall would implement my idea in his next ver of the mod.

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