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I'm making a command for walking on water. When you type /walkonwater, it sets ent->client->pers.walkonwater to qtrue. No problem here. But how do I retrieve walkonwater variable in bg_***.c files?? There is no ent->client's but only pm->ps ...


Thanks in advance


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you would send the variable over to the client somehow :sweat:


if you didnt do it, things may look a tad bit funny because the client doesnt know about it, thats one of the reasons why the JA+ "optional" client plugin is more or less actually required. because for 1, people look absoultely retarded if you don't and it can cause you (the client) to not see proper effects of say, a pmove type change

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you would send the variable over to the client somehow


So how would *you* do that if you were going to? I was going to take a guess but it makes more sense to just ask you since you seem to know what you're doing. I'm not a programmer so a lot of this is guesswork and voodoo even though I'm learning some things just by doing them. I think alexx860 would like a lesson too.

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