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The king of all assassin droids...


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I just re-played through the B4-D4 hijacking part of the telos LS storyline, and a thought occurred to me... The protocol droid model, at least the bottom half, is very close to the look of IG88.


This is more of an idea than a request, as I don't much like mixing eras in my game, but I think it might be interesting to see if anyone could somehow mod the protocol droid model into IG88, possibly replacing HK-47?

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This has already been attempted, and I don't think it came out well. I'll try to find the specific thread.


Edit: Here it is.


Perhaps with the new animation-related innovations, it's more likely. I wouldn't know for sure. But it would still be a big job, and require a suitable IG-88 model.

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That's different. With human models, they all share common animations. But the droid models are different. The protocol droid model doesn't have any combat animations: it's designed to just stand around, or walk, or cower in fear. But anything else, and you're out of luck.


And the only way to cure that is to do the same thing the guy in the other thread was trying to do, in which case you'd want to use your custom model anyway, on the off chance that you got it to work.


So, basically, yes you can replace HK with the protocol droid model, but he wouldn't be able to fight or wield weapons or anything. Which defeats the purpose of why you would want to switch them in the first place.

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So animations must exist in order for him to be able to attack?


I know in some other games, you can do such things without animations being present (The game continues like normal, but makes the sounds or fires the lasers and whatnot as it would)

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