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MasterTextFile editing help reqd


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Can anyone be a champ and tell me how they edit this file. I can access it but its not easily readable if you simply use wordpad. I assume you need to edit this file to change descriptions of ships and names of ship class. I would like to change the name of Tartans and to create new ships using the models and stats of existing ones (like ISD IIs and IIIs and VSD IIs for eg).


Thanks in advance for any help

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Here's the program I use, it works great and is located right here on LucasFiles:




To use it though you have to have the latest Microsoft FrameWork (2.0) which you can get here:


If you have a 32-Bit CPU (most people do):



If you have a 64-Bit CPU (You should know if you do):



Have fun!

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