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Bastilla Underwear For PC


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For black version (similar, not exactly the same) you could try:








To get either to work for the PC you are wanting you could either using KotOR Tool to copy and paste Bastillas modela and texa lines to the appearance line of the PC you want or get someone to do the same thing for you. I would suggest trying it yourself as it is an easy mod and it might encourage you to try making some of your own.

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okay, i will try it myself. It seems easy enough. But would I need to restart my game for it take effect? But is it possible to just recolor the original black? Okay, this kotor tool looks a little intimidating, can someone help me understand exactly what I need to do? right now i just want to make the original pink underwear mod useable on the pc. I just now noticed that the mod I wanted to use doesn't come with an appearance.2da file. Is that a bad thing?

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okay, i will try it myself. It seems easy enough. But would I need to restart my game for it take effect? But is it possible to just recolor the original black? Okay, this kotor tool looks a little intimidating, can someone help me understand exactly what I need to do? right now i just want to make the original pink underwear mod useable on the pc. I just now noticed that the mod I wanted to use doesn't come with an appearance.2da file. Is that a bad thing?


In PS it is real easy but you will lose the detail.


Image -> Adjustment > Replace Color-> Make sure you click on all of the underware parts by holding the shift key down in the replace color pane -> Adjust the Hue Saturation and Lightness to your liking.

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well now I know how to change the color, but can someone help me with kotor tool? i don't exactly know what I'm doing.


There are multiple tools within the Kotor Tool. What exactly do you want to do?




It is the P_BastilaBA01.tga that you modify. If you don't want Bastila to have gold hair delete then the other tga file. If you don't want to have Bastila avalible on Korriban then delete the galaxymap.ncs file.

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What I want to do is make it so that my PC can wear the underwear the mod gives to Bastila. I have also decided to go with this mod instead http://www.pcgamemods.com/mod/14671.html


Depending on which underwear you want to use. You would edit the appropriate P_BastilaBA01.tga file to the color you want. Then rename it to the appropriate PC file according to this tutorial .

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how would i rename it? would i change bastilla to my characters name? and if so, do i just do it on the file in windows explorer?

Here is what it would look like if that is what i do:

Original file name: P_BastilaBA01

New file name: P_LeenaDaymoonBA01 (Note my character has two names seperated by a space, does that make a difference?)

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how would i rename it? would i change bastilla to my characters name? and if so, do i just do it on the file in windows explorer?

Here is what it would look like if that is what i do:

Original file name: P_BastilaBA01

New file name: P_LeenaDaymoonBA01 (Note my character has two names seperated by a space, does that make a difference?)


I know it has to have PF where P = player and F= female. But how you make it generic for the race and class I don't know. Sorry I could not be of more help.

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okay, the original filename is P_BastilaBA01. My characters name is Leena Daymoon. She is female and she has the caucasian head with black hair and ponytail. I want to keep it the same color, so what do I change the filename to?

I also would like to use this for my lightside characters game. She is female, caucasian, has black hair going down the sides of face and a bun in the back.

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okay, the original filename is P_BastilaBA01. My characters name is Leena Daymoon. She is female and she has the caucasian head with black hair and ponytail. I want to keep it the same color, so what do I change the filename to?

I also would like to use this for my lightside characters game. She is female, caucasian, has black hair going down the sides of face and a bun in the back.


Your character name doesn't matter.


PFBAS.tga if you are a Scoundrel(K1) or Consular (K2)


PFBAM.tga if you are a Scout(K1) or Sentinel (K2)


PFBAL.tga if you are a Soldier (K1) or Guardian (K2)

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so, all i have to do is find the tga file in the mod on my computer and rename to one of those and I'm done, right? I don't have to go into Kotor Tool, right? Okay, so what do I have to do after I rename the file? Because it doesn't change anything if i only rename the file and do nothing else.

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TO rename the files for the pc you will need to rename them as such:



pfbas01.tga - Caucasion skin tone.



pfbam01.tga - Caucasion skin tone.



pfbal01.tga - Caucasion skin tone.


However as allt he underwear models are differently layed outon the TGA files this wont give you anything but a mess when you have them on the actual game model. Unless oyu extract and rename the Bastila underwear model (and mdx files) and rename them to:


Need to extract:

p_bastilaa.mdl - model file

p_bastilaa.mdx - model extention file


Rename them to:













Or as I said earlier you could just open up KotOR tool, load up you appearance.2da file and copy whats written in Bastilas modela and texa boxes to the lines for the models you wish to use in game.

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I would use Kotor Tool, but the mod didn't come with an appearance.2da file. it only came with some tga files. Specifically this is what is in the mod:

Bastila Alternate Undies (v1.1).zip <---- rar file

Bastila Alternate Undies <---- folder directly inside the rar file

Alternate Head <----- inside first folder

Black Latex <------ inside first folder

Pink <------ inside first folder

Screenshots <------ inside first folder

Readme <----- inside first folder

P_BastilaH04.tga <----- only item inside "Alternate Head" folder

P_BastilaBA01.tga <----- only item inside "Black Latex" folder

P_BastilaBA01.tga <----- only item inside "Pink" folder

Alternate Head.jpg <---- one of the five items in "Screenshots" folder

BastBlkLtx.jpg <---- the second item in "Screenshots" folder

BastBlkLtx2.jpg <----- the third item in "Screenshots" folder

BastPnkPnty.jpg <----- the fourth item in "Screenshots" folder

BastPnkPnty2.jpg <----- the fifth item in "Screenshots" folder

As you can see there isn't an appearance.2da file anywhere in the mod. So what exactly am I supposed to do with what I am given?

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As you can see there isn't an appearance.2da file anywhere in the mod. So what exactly am I supposed to do with what I am given?

Extract the appearance.2da file from the game files on your computer maybe?


Load up Kotor Tool, go to Kotor 1, then in to BIFs then in to 2da.bif, then in to 2d Array. Go down to the ninth item on the list and that should be appearance.2da, extract this in to your override folder. Modify how I suggested earlier.

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oh now i understand. Thanks! Will try that now. Umm, tried it and i have another question, do i need to wait until i have Bastila in my party before trying to change this? Because in the 2da editor what i have in Bastila's modela and texa lines are:

modela: P_BastilaBA

texa: P_BastilaBA


Well i finally figured it out. Thanks for all the help. I really appreciate it. But unfortunately, it doesn't look like bastila's underwear fits the pc very well. Or maybe that's just because i'm using that NPC Mariana Mod by cate_kroft.

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By putting those two things you posted (modela: P_BastilaBA , texa: P_BastilaBA)


In to the spaces that generally have PFBAM (or S or L like I said above) you will force the game to use use the model and texture that Bastilla uses, this should also work for the NPC mod you have.


If that "NPC Mariana Mod by cate_kroft" mod has its own appearance.2da file use that one and change the lines in that version. Should be lines: 121 through to 135. This will change all the underwear models for all female caucasions (scount, scoundral and soldier) so even if you decide later on to use a different head then one you are currently using the skin will still work for them.

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