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star wars battlefront 3 general discusion

master vader

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I think we are all pretty certain of that... There has been some unofficial conformation of SWBF3 I believe from E3.

Ya,you are right but,we all hope that it will come out,maybe 2008.Who knows maybe a different company will make a star wars game like star wars battlefront,but that won't happen.I think putting it in next generation systems would give them billions of more dollars.I am going to get an xbox360 though I might get a Playstation 3,I am an xbox man so I am used to the controls so to me stick with the series you have,thats a pluss.I think it is safe to say that it might come out but if it is 2008 is when it comes .out do you agree?

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Oh my god, you're skywalker94 aren't you... Nice job hiding it, no-one would have noticed if you hadn't strangely mentioned him.


On topic: If SWBF3 does get made then yeah, it might hit the shelves in 2008, more realistically 2009.

No im not I saw his thread anyway star wars is awsome

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